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"Um, Caspian? T-This is not the right way to school" My voice wobbled in fear.

Fear. A term- unknown to me. I've never feared anything in life. Honestly, I don't even have anything to be afraid of.

Ghosts? They don't exist.
Wild animals? They're only misunderstood.
Insects? They ain't nothing you can't kill.
Losing people? I don't have anyone left to lose.

That's why I am surprised myself to feel my heart thumping loudly with anxiousness and hear my voice tremor with fear.

It wasn't like I was afraid of Caspian per se, It's been only two weeks since I've known him but he makes me feel safe enough to know he won't harm me, he is a good guy.

But what I am really afraid of right now is what he can do and will do. He isn't really good for my heart.

"I know."

Just that and the conversation ended. Since we've been in this car, he has not given me even one glance.

I almost thought he has forgotten that I am also sitting in this car.

I didn't dare ask any further questions as I didn't want him screaming at me again and his face pretty much says that he won't be answering any of my questions anyway.

Almost ten minutes later, we pulled up in front of a big ass hotel which I think I've been here before.

My family comes from a business background and is quite well known resulting in my parents being loaded with wealth. Well, and me as well.

As much as I would love to say- I am one of those girls who doesn't spend her parents' money and works hard day & night to earn herself- I will be lying.

I mean, I don't spend much but still, if my parents have enough in their bank account, I can spend enough to cater to my needs for now.

My thoughts were broken when I felt a hand remove my seat belt and grab my arm, Caspian pulls me out of the car.

His face still held that stoic expression, not giving anything away. He leads me to the reception and taking a key which the receptionist was already holding for him, we make our way to the lift.

Looking down at our intertwined hands, my brows creased.

Why am I liking this?

Why does his hand feel right with mine?

You're getting way ahead of yourself, Aideen.

Before I knew it, we were standing in front of a gate and Caspian was sliding the key to the room and opening the gate.

Getting inside, I realized this is a penthouse.

The whole penthouse had cream, white, and light brown work all over it. It was simple and modern, nothing luxurious.

I have seen more luxurious apartments or penthouses, to be honest, yet I still liked this one better than any I've seen before.

"Why are we here?" I asked gently, quite opposite to what I was really feeling inside.

Ignoring what I asked, he threw me a glare and pointed towards a closed door which probably lead to a room "Go, the bathroom is inside."

Without wasting another minute, I walked fast towards the said room without looking back even for once. Closing the door behind me, I took a deep breath in.

Why am I acting like a weak little mouse? Why in front of him? How is he different?

Opening my eyes, I looked all over the room, this is not a bathroom, this is a bedroom. 

The bedroom consisted of a big bed and huge sofas and a LED screen TV. Two chairs and a coffee table were situated in one corner of the room and there is a big statue of a woman without a head, right in the middle of the couch and the two chairs. 

Behind the statue were large sliding doors that led to the balcony however the doors were closed right now and overlooked the whole city. It looked so beautiful at night with city lights illuminating the city. 

There was another door to the right which was closed, I walked up to it and after opening it, I realized this was the bathroom.

Anyways, I instantly walked inside the bathroom and started taking my clothes off to take a shower. 

After taking my shower and doing my business, I realized that I do not have anything else to wear but the dress that I wore for the party. 

Opening the bathroom door a bit, I peeped my head outside to see, that nobody was inside the room but I noticed the clothes resting on the bed. 

Thinking that Caspian must have put them there for me to wear, I wrapped a towel around my body and hurriedly stepped outside and started wearing the clothes that I couldn't help but notice was of a man.

These must be his, I concluded. 

Wearing the boxers that were so big that they were coming down to my knees and the hoodie that smelled like him and engulfed my body, I left my wet hair to air dry.

Realizing that I should eat something since I didn't have any dinner and I am parched, I started making my way to the kitchen.

Reaching there, I took the water bottle out of the refrigerator and gulped down the water. 

Just as I was drinking my water, Caspian came into my view with his hands inside his sweatpants pockets and wearing a simple black tee. 

I closed my eyes, hoping for him to disappear when I open them back, with the water still inside my mouth.

Finally, my eyes fluttered open to see him gazing at me with a heated glare. I gulped down the water and break the eye contact with him and place the bottle on the countertop.

I hear him making his way toward me and not even a second later, I feel his hand on my chin as he lifts my face back to stare into his eyes.

"Why? Why do you do it even though you know I hate it?" He whispered gently even though his eyes held anything but gentleness. 

My eyes widened a little in surprise, hearing his gentle voice and realizing he still has not forgotten about what I was doing back at the party, but soon came to my senses, removing his hand from my face, giving him a glare of my own, I spoke up "Why do you hate it? It's not like it is any of your business."

"I don't know! For god's sake, I don't know!" He yelled, losing his cool, running his hands through his hair.

"Then go and find out and stop treating me like I am your sister!" I yelled back.

He laughed sarcastically, grabbing my shoulders, smirking evilly "You are not my sister. Of course, you are not. Because I don't do this to my sister."

And with this statement, he kissed me.

Yes, you read it right.


His lips felt like everything good in this world, so satisfyingly good. He smelled like cigarettes and heavenly, I don't know what cologne he uses but it smelt so right and delicious.

His hands in my hair felt so right as my hands grabbed the nape of his neck, my lips moving in sync with him. It felt like we both were trying to make each other realize our frustration and anger through this one kiss.  

I don't know what I am doing and why I am doing or why he is doing what he is doing, but it didn't seem like we will stop. 

Trust me, I have kissed many boys but this one just felt different, something that is so out of the world, something that is too good to be real. 


And, they finally kissed lol.

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