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As soon as the kiss ended, I couldn't help but instantly miss his lips on mine. 

Are you fucking with me, Adeline?

The voice inside my head made me realize what I've just done, more like what we've done. 

I was too afraid to even look him in the eyes, but gathering up all the courage I had, I finally lifted my head up to see him looking at me with regret written all over his face.

And it instantly hit me that he regrets kissing me, unlike me. 

Clearing up my mind from the after-effects of that kiss, I decided to confront him, even though I knew what his answer is going to be. 

With an angry voice, I asked "What do you think you're doing?"

He looked up to the ceiling, it looked like he was holding himself back but from what, I didn't know. 

Taking a deep breath, he finally answered and looked me in the eyes, his blue meeting my blue "This was a fucking mistake, you understand?" He says, in a hard voice.

Without showing him any expression of what his one-sentence did to me, I nodded and replied "Of course."

As soon as I said that, he was out of the room, going god knows where. 

See? That's what happens when you let something as stupid as feelings come out to play. 

I couldn't help but agree with that voice inside my head. 

For a few minutes, I just stood at the same place in the same position, just thinking things out. 

Why would I do that? Is it because I haven't had sex in a while?

Even though I didn't believe the reasoning myself enough, I still decided to go with it, after all, what other reason there could be?

Shaking my head to put these thoughts aside, I set my body in motion and decided to get going before Caspian comes back because I am not in the mood to see his face right now, at all.

So, after calling Leo on my phone and asking him to pick me up from here, I started gathering my stuff. 

Almost twenty minutes later, I saw Leo's car as it came to a halt in front of me.

I opened the car door and sat inside as I saw him looking me up and down from my peripheral vision. I knew what he was thinking as I was still in Caspian's clothes.

Just when I saw him opening his mouth to ask the obvious, I interfered "Not a word" while glaring at him.

He raised his hands as he let out a low chuckle,  "Was it that bad?" He let out while starting the car.

In return, he only got a glare from me. 

 "Whatever. But you seriously cock blocked me." He informed.

I rolled my eyes and didn't reply to anything as I was not in the mood to joke around. 

This time, thankfully, he understood and didn't say anything anymore and the rest of the car ride was in silence.

As soon as we reached the school, I was out of the car in an instant and already making my way to my dorm room. 

It was around two in the morning and I really hope if Olivia did decide to hook up, then it was anywhere but our dorm room.

I opened the gate as silently as I could to see only darkness and a figure sleeping on Olivia's bed, which I could make out to be herself. 

Walking inside, I instantly went to bed but Caspian Wright kept getting in my head. 

Now I can't even sleep peacefully because of him. 

I kept tossing and turning on my bed for around an hour even though I have not slept even one wink since last night. 

Deciding that sleep is not in my luck tonight, I got up and closed the door carefully behind me to not wake Olivia up. 

This is not the first time that I am not able to sleep, so whenever this happens, I go do what relaxes me the most, that is, paint.

However, instead of going on the way towards the Art room, my body decided to walk on its own and started making its way towards the boy's dorm room.

Why am I going there? Yeah, I should say thanks to Leo for driving me back here. Yeah, I should, that was totally rude of me before.  

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of Leo's room. I knocked on Leo's door.

The door opened by a very sleepy Leo, his hair were all over the place and he looked quite cute as he rubbed his eyes to wash the sleep away.

As soon as he saw me, he groaned loudly "What do you want now?"

"Chill out, I just came here to say thanks for the ride earlier and sorry for my rude behavior," I said, genuinely. 

"Dude, I appreciate it but if you would've done that in the morning, I would've appreciated your presence as well," He said, snarkily. 

"Fine, fine," I said with a sigh and looked at him with a sweet smile "Leo, please tell me which one is Caspian's room?" 

Surprisingly, I still haven't been inside his room or even know which dorm room is his.

Leo looked me up and down "Why?" 

"I just want to give him some piece of my mind," I said, quite sweetly.

I know, this was not the plan but I couldn't help it and I still had a lot of things that I wanted to scream and curse him on his face instead of doing inside my head.

"That one" Leo pointed to the door in front of his room. 

Giving him a sweet smile, I walked up to that room's door which is supposed to be Caspian's.

Just as I lifted my hand to knock on the door, I heard a rustling of sheets. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, even though I am wide awake, I thought he would be probably sleeping and I am going to interrupt it.

However, it turns out completely wrong as a few seconds later, you could hear someone breathing loudly and the moans and grunts of a woman and man coming from behind the door.

My eyes widened in surprise as anyone could tell what was going on inside the room. 

I took my hand backward that was going to knock on the door.

"Fuck" I whispered as I chuckled lightly though there was nothing amusing.

I could feel Leo's stare at the back of my head but I turned back towards him as I whispered with a forced small smile "Leave it, let's not disturb him."

Leo stared at me in confusion however I was already on my way to the Arts room. I wanted to punch someone real bad and only one person's image kept coming inside my head.

Caspian Fucking Wright. 


Hi, I remember I said on my profile conversations, that I would upload like last week, but I guess I was just not ready at that point of time. But now, here I am with a new chapter!

Not going to lie, past 4-5 weeks has not been easy. I was grieving and then I was busy with college, graduation, finding a job. I just had a lot on my plate. Though, I am back in my writing game now and I believe I have a commitment to finish this book, so that's what I am going to do. 

Anyways, if you loved any part of it, just vote! Honestly, voting really encourages an author and I wouldn't mind a little bit of cheering up :)

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