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Dropping the books on the table, I take a seat in front of Caspian as he looks at me with an annoyed look.

"What? Not my fault Mr. Williams wants me to tutor you" I shrug.

Yesterday after Mr. Williams practically kicked us out of his room without any choice in the matter, I told Caspian to meet me today after classes in the Library so I can tutor him, and surprisingly he showed up. 

So here we are.

"Why would you top the class?" He gritted it out as if all of this was my fault.

"Why would you fail the class?" I retorted back. 

Sighing heavily at his glare, I decided to drop this silly fight.

"Look, I am not very happy that I have to tutor you either but what Mr. Williams says goes around even if we both are kind of rebels, even you know that."

That's true. I've heard rumors that the last time a student didn't do what Mr. Williams told him to, the student was out of school. So, yeah I ain't no good girl but I don't want to take any chances.

Caspian rolls his eyes at my speech but obliges anyway and we both fall into studying as I try to make him understand a few things.

Almost two hours later, I said "That's enough for today, you can go now."

Taking one of Atticus's books out of my bag, I start reading it. However, a few minutes later I could still feel Caspian staring at me.

"What?" I ask without looking at him.

"What are you reading?" I hear him ask.




"Do you like him?"


"Read me something."

This made me snap my eyes at him to see him with his hands on the table and his face on the hands as he looked at me with his expecting eyes.

"Why?" I breathed out. 

He simply shrugs his shoulders.

Taking my time to think, I couldn't come up with any objection so I just half- smiled and decided to read him one of my favorites.

I want to know every part of you,

every scar,

every bruise,

I want to trace the map of you,

my fingers a compass,

your freckles the constellations

which in my heart I will chart

so when I close my eyes

I'll have you in my stars forever. 

I looked up into his eyes to see him already staring at me with emotion, I wasn't familiar with and couldn't figure out. 

Then he whispers,

Forgive me

if I stumble and fall

for I know not how

to love too well

I am clumsy

and my words 

do not form as I wish

so let me kiss you instead

and let my lips 

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