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Opening the door of the big house, we three walked inside. The party was in full swing. Teenagers everywhere, some dancing, some puking their guts out, and some practically fucking.

"Aideen, don't you think we will be in trouble if they find out we are not at school?" Olivia whisper yelled near my ear, gripping my arm tightly and looking like she will faint any minute now.

"Loosen up, dude. Look at Leo, looks like he is enjoying" I said with a smirk as I saw him already swarmed by a few girls and he seems to be happy with all the attention he was getting.

Besides, there was no way anyone would know we are out of beds. They don't come to check on us every night in our rooms but the warden does roam the corridors at night. But we managed to escape without getting caught. 

Noticing that Olivia still looked tensed as fuck I tried to relax her "Look, don't worry, I will not leave your side for even a minute, okay?" 

She bites her lip and nodded her head, finally relaxing a little.

"Let's go get something to drink!" I shouted so she could hear despite the loud music.

I gripped her arm and dragged her towards what I think is the kitchen of the house.

"What ya wanna drink?" I asked Olivia as she looks around taking her surroundings in. 

"Only water" She says. I give her a cup of water from my own hands, not before checking for anything suspicious myself. 

She drinks her water whereas I take a bottle of beer from the fridge that was stocked with it and take a swig from it. 

Almost two hours into the party and even Olivia has loosened up as we both dance to the loud music blaring from the speakers. She was now dancing with a girl that I'd seen around in my classes a few times. 

Well, Olivia seems happy but still if I promised her I would be with her the whole night then I would be. But looks like, Olivia had different plans as she leaned toward me and whisper in my ear "You can go and enjoy yourself, I will be fine."

Just as I start to shake my head to decline her suggestion, she does a go-away motion with her hand and turns around to the girl she has been dancing with. 

Looks like she is enjoying herself so who am I to interrupt her? 

Deciding that, I walk towards where Leo is sitting on the bar. Tapping him on the shoulder as he turns towards me I ask him "Will you look for Olivia for a while? She doesn't want me around but still, otherwise, if something happened to her, her brother will kill me. Literally."

He chuckled and nodded "Sure. What you up to by the way?"

"Nothing, just gonna look for a guy now" I wink at him with a smirk.

"You know, if you do that Olivia's brother will kill you for that too. Literally."

"I don't care if I am gonna get killed might as well get killed after getting some pleasure." I roll my eyes at him and went into the sea of people.

Looking around I find a few people playing beer pong. 

My eyes immediately caught a blonde with a cute face and light green eyes. Guess, he will have to do it for tonight.

I sauntered my way to the group of people and interrupted the game of blondie who was just going to throw the ball to the cup.

Touching his arm lightly, I asked "Can I join in the game?" With an innocent smile playing on my lips.

He smirked boyishly and gave me the ball as if challenging me to see what I can do.

Raising a brow at his open challenge, I snatch the ball from his hand. Never challenge Aideen Jinx.

Flicking my red hair to the left with a motion of my head, I lean on the table as I bend down a bit, raising my ass. I could feel the eyes on me and that made me even more confident.

Flinging my wrist, I dropped the ball right inside the red cup. Smirking confidently, I straightened my back and tilted sideways to see the cute blonde coming my way.

"Do you play this a lot?" He chuckled.

"Nope, just a natural" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I am Sam by the way."

Nodding my head I replied, "Aideen."

"You wanna get something to drink?" He asks, his hands playing with my hair a little as he gave me a seductive look.

"Sure" The word rolled out of my lips.

And fifteen minutes later, I was on the kitchen counter as the blonde's hands ran through my hair and mine in his.

We were practically dry humping on that counter as his tongue stroked every inch inside my mouth.

Taking his lips off from mine, the blondie huskily says "Why don't we get out of here?"

I threw  a smirk his way and replied "Why not?"

Just as I hopped down from the kitchen bar, someone behind the blondie tsked and a familiar voice says, which sounded quite angry, I must add " I don't think so."

And at that moment, ladies and gentlemen, I knew- I was fucked.

The blondie turned around and stepped away a bit to see who was behind him whereas I knew already who it was. I can remember that voice anywhere.

"Looks like you were having fun, Aideen" He gave me a tight-lipped fake smile. His blue eyes that always looked beautiful to me, looked terrifying tonight since they stared at me furiously.

I don't even know what I've done wrong, but I almost pissed myself with the amount of anger that radiated off from him.

"Dude fu-" Blondie was about to say something but he got cut off by Caspian's fist.

Umm, you heard it right.

Blondie was lying on the floor now, groaning to himself as my eyes widened with this violence.


"Shut the fuck up."

And I did. His voice clearly said do not argue with me. Damn.

He grabbed my arm and started taking me out of the party house and I was so shaken up by the things that has happened that I couldn't find my voice as I did whatever he wanted me to.

However, as soon as I was inside his car as he buckled my seat, I couldn't help but voice out worriedly.

"Olivia! She is still inside!"

"Don't worry, Leo will take her back to the dorm."



Hi. I know this update was late but last week was pretty busy. Sorry :)

Anyways, If you liked the chapter, don't forget to vote. It always puts me in a better mood and encourages me to continue and do better for you guys. <3

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