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The tennis ball came at me with speed as my eyes never left it and as soon as I lifted my hand which holds the tennis racquet to hit the ball a loud shriek made me lose my concentration and my leg stumble resulting in me falling on my ass and the ball to hit my head.

"Fuck" I cursed as I felt the pain shoot at my head.

I heard Mellissa who was my opponent during this practice session asking me if I was okay.

I looked at her and nod my head lightly, then turned my head to give a piece of my mind to the person who interrupted our practice session. 

Only to find out it was none other than my two beloved best friends as I see a brunette head and a blonde head creeping on me from behind the door with their wide-eyed gaze. 

"Seriously guys?" I asked with a serious face even though I wanted to laugh at their scared expressions.

"Sorry" They mumbled though loud enough for me to hear as I couldn't help anymore and let out a light chuckle.

"It's alright, we can take a break Mellissa" I nodded at her as she nodded back at me in acknowledgment. 

I got up as I saw Leo and Olivia making their way over to me. 

Shaking off the imaginary dust from my skirt, we start making our way to the bleachers to sit down, I ask them "What's up?"

We three sit down on the bleachers as they both looked at me, all excited, and said together "HOMECOMING DANCE IS ON THURSDAY!" 

They shrieked in excitement making some people turn their heads to look at us, probably thinking what was wrong with them. I gave them a half-assed apologetical smile and looked at the two idiots sitting next to me "Lower your voice!"

They both nodded but were still grinning like idiots.

Shaking my head at them, I asked "So?"

Olivia started "So?" as she looked bewildered "So? We have so much to do, we have to find the perfect dresses, get our nails done, go to sau-"

I cut her off with a groan "Geez, we have to do all that?"

Olivia nodded looking at me expectedly "Of course. I mean I am going to do it and I am not doing this all alone so you have to come."  

Sighing I looked over at Leo and let out a little laugh "You are going to join us too?"

He huffed "As if."

Then he continued "By the way, who are you guys coming with?"

"Umh, with you guys?" I looked at them with confusion.

They both sighed this time and shake their head at me as if disappointed. 

"What?" I couldn't help but ask. 

"Only couples will get entry. So you have to come with someone" Leo said clearing my confusion.

"Oh." I mumbled, then asked, "Are you guys going together?"

They both looked at each other in disgust and said "No" together, making me chuckle.

"You remember the girl from that club? Her name is Synthia. I am going with her" Olivia told us.

Then Leo said, "And I am going with a girl named Candy."

"Candy?" I made a weird face. 

They both laughed as Leo said "What? She is not as dumb as her name sounds. Don't worry. Besides, she is good in bed" He finished with a shrug.

"You both have someone to go with then who am I going to go with?" I pouted.

"I would've asked Caspian to take you but he is already going with Trixie Olden" Olivia made a disgusted face as soon as Trixie's name came out of her mouth.

I half smiled at the revelation as I noticed Leo gauging my reaction at this but I kept it blank. I don't have enough guts to tell them anything.

Besides, I knew. It isn't like Caspian is going to ask me to go with him. He made pretty clear what he felt and wanted last week in the library. 

I have been tutoring him since then but we don't talk anymore or any less than necessary. Heck, we don't even greet each other. It's like as soon as we both see each other we start behaving like robots only talking when necessary. 

I don't know until when will this stupid thing go on but I don't want to ruin it. I can't hear him say any more hurtful things to me.

"Aideen!" I heard someone whisper yelling and felt someone elbowing my side, only to notice Olivia looking ahead in panic.

"What?" I whisper and yelled back at her. She motions me to look forward and I did.

To see River Black making his way over to us. 

River Black. He is the captain of the Boys Tennis Team. He has black straight hair that was perfectly shaved and suited his oval-shaped face quite well, a cute button nose, pink thin lips, and black eyes. He is of Asian descent as it was quite clear from his looks.

Overall, he is quite cute and dreamy and I am pretty sure the whole population of this school's girls agreed with me as he had many admirers.

River was now standing in front of us fondling with his hands and blushing slightly which was quite cute. He just had this aura that made you talk to him as softly as you can. 

I have talked with him a few times and it doesn't look like he has let the admiration of his many admirers get into his head as he doesn't have one arrogant bone in his body.

"Hey River," I said, sweetly.

See? What did I tell you? 

"Hey, Aideen. Do you have a minute?" He asked with a hesitant smile.

I smiled back and let out a sure as I led him a few steps forwards to a corner so we could get some privacy.

"I just- I wanted to ask if you are going with someone to the Homecoming dance?" River asked with a slight stutter. I could see he felt a little embarrassed and afraid.

What a cutie!

"Nope, I am not" I replied with a small smile playing on my lips.

"So- uhh- Would you like to go with me?" He asked as he looked down at the floor avoiding my eyes. 

"Sure" I replied nonchalantly. 

 His head snapped up at me and an adorable smile greeted his lips. 

"Great! It's a date then, I will pick you up at 7 on Thursday" River said and left after saying goodbye.

I sighed. I hope he is not expecting anything more from me. I mean yes, he is cute but I don't do cute guys. He is one of the good guys and I don't want to break his heart. 


Hello. Sorry I was unable to upload last weekend, well because I wasn't able to finish writinf one. 
But here is the next one! This might have been a bit boring as it is just a filler but don't worry, drama is on it's way.
If you liked the chapter, please leave a like :) 

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