Hating The FBI -- Copycat Caffrey --

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hey there!

here is the next chapter and it is longer than i usually write so i hope you enjoy it.




next person to fan gets the dedication


Chapter 13 –

         I had stayed in the hospital for a few weeks which I was not happy about as I hated the damn things but on the up side I had a really hot doctor so I was happy and it made the stay more manageable and I always looked foreword to the doctors rounds. I had tried to use the Caffrey charm on him but it turned out that he was happily married and I was disappointed but happy for him. I was so happy when they finally let me lose but it was only to stay at home for a few days so I could be recovered enough to be back to normal. Those few days felt like a lifetime and all I wanted to do was go out and be back to prowling the streets and do what I do best; find sexy men and pull cons as well as winding up the suit. Mozzie came by the apartment though everyday and kept me entertained while Neal went back to work for the suit and I got very annoyed when he wouldn’t share what case he was on. His stupid reply was that I would find out when I got back to work which made me really depressed. I didn’t want to go back to working for the suit but it was better than playing cat and mouse all day, me being the cat of course. Finally my torture let up and I was finally aloud to leave the apartment as long as I promised to be good, I promised but I doubt I would be able to stick to that promise. Mozzie kept a watchful eye on me and made sure that I didn’t get into trouble on my first day of release by sticking with me all day and surviving the amount of shopping I did. I came out of my tenth shop with Mozzie who was starting to look a bit tired of the shopping.

“Why are you doing this Moz?” I asked as we walked down to the next line of shops.

“Do what?” He replied starting to drag his feet.

“Keeping an eye on me like I’m sort of child. I am perfectly capable of making sure that I don’t get into trouble, it’s what we are good at.” Mozzie sighed and came to a stop. I stopped too and looked at him.

“I do it because I happen to care Ash. I don’t want to you to get hurt; you came too close that time.” I sighed too.

“That was a one off Mozzie. That was because Keller was involved and he was like a donkey on steroids trying his best to kill me, not everyone is going to try and kill me.” He shrugged allowing that comment as he knew that I was right. I looked down at my shopping bags and decided to call it a day for Mozzie’s sake and he seemed to be grateful.

“So back with the suit tomorrow?” I groaned.

“You have to remind me of that torture don’t you Moz?”

“Better you than me.” I rolled my eyes and headed towards my lovely parked car.

“At least with him thinking that he is keeping an eye on me, I can pull cons right under his nose and do what I do best.” Mozzie shook his head.

“You never stop do you?” I grinned as I turned the key in the ignition.

“Do you?” I shot back and he smiled.


         “Nooooooo! I don’t want to! Don’t make me do it Neal!” I was whining like a five year old on the way up to our floor in the building. Neal rolled his eyes at me.

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