Hating The FBI -- Come and get me --

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hey there!

sorry for the wait and i knew that i was thinking about giving up this story but i have changed my mind as i had a lovely comment asking me not to stop so thanks for that :)

So here is the next chapter and i know that it isnt very good but its been a while since i have written and i might have lost the writing juju.




next person to fan gets the dedication


Chapter 11 –

        “Have you got everything?” I asked as soon as I saw Mozzie. He nodded and I smiled.

“Perfect. Let’s go.” I plucked the keys from Mozzie’s hand and headed for the drivers side to much of his protest.

“So what happened? Is Neal okay?” Mozzie asked as soon as I pulled away and I pursed my lips.

“He got shot.” I heard Mozzie’s in take of breath.

“By who?”

“Keller. Who else Moz? The milkman?” Mozzie glared at me.

“They are scary people.” I shook my head and then focused on the task at hand and hoped that our crazy plan would work and not end up in dying. Mozzie was checking his equipment when I parked up a block away from the dock. I took a deep breath.

“Ready?” I asked Mozzie and he nodded and gave me a hug which surprised me.

“Good luck and I hope I see you on the other side.”

“You better have a good bottle of wine waiting for me when I get back.” Mozzie laughed and that was when I got out of the car and pumped myself up. I was doing this to save Neal. I pulled up my hood and gave Mozzie the signal subtly as I was about to walk around the corner and meet my death. I looked up and saw the same guard that I knocked out cold guarding the door and I grinned knowing that he was the perfect bait. I walked up and stopped a safe distance away so I had the chance to run.

“Who are you?” He snapped and I looked up pulling my hood down.

“I’m the chick that kicked your ass.” I winked and the guard looked shocked and pulled out a gun which was not part of the plan so I decided to improvise.

“Awwww you going to shoot me with a gun because you can’t fight a girl.” I said sarcastically and I was glad to see that I had struck a nerve.

“How your face?” I purred and I could see him snapping.

“I am going to kill you!” He growled and lunged foreword and that was when I took off running for the second time that day and hoped that I could out run him and give Mozzie the chance he needed to save Neal. I headed along the back sections of the dock as I wanted to keep the guard on my tail and not loose me in the city, I glanced back and I could tell that he was really close. I pushed myself harder and faster knowing that I had to get away from him and fast. I dodged round a corner loosing him temporarily. I grinned as I raced on ahead and decided that I would head back round so he would see me and pick up the chase once again.

              I pulled out my phone and managed to send a text to Mozzie to see how he was doing and I soon had a reply saying that he was in and working on the security and I then knew that he would be out soon. As I circled round I didn’t notice someone come out from the side and I was then taken from the side and I slammed into the ground. I cried out as I felt all my side being scraped across the concrete and I knew that I must have broken a rib as I felt the crack. I was then flipped over and came face to face with the guard.

“Not so tough now are you?” He purred and struck me across the face. I yelled out in pain as I felt his fist impact with the side of my face, I thrust my fist forward and round so it impacted with his face so we were even. He cussed loudly and I grinned before bringing up my legs and bucking him off before taking off running again much to my sides protest. I pushed even harder and was relieved when my phone beeped. I pulled it out making sure to be aware of the crazy ass guard.

Security is down. Good to go.’ I nodded to myself and circled back round making sure to catch the eye of the guard before heading back towards the building. I glanced behind me and soon regretted it as I tripped over my own feet and flew forewords and managed to shoot my hands out to save my face but I felt a snap in my wrist and it went at an unnatural angle. I cursed loudly and was taken down again by the guard and straddled.

“Not so fast girly.” He purred and I groaned mentally, this was not part of the plan. I tried to concentrate on the guard and not the increasing pain from my wrist and side. I wriggled and wriggled but couldn’t get free and the guard grinned at me victorious.

“Scum.” I spat and that earned me a slap across the face.

“Says you bitch.” The guard then drew his gun and that was when I knew that I was going to die. I had no escape and I had no comebacks to get me free. I felt a tear fall down my face as I accepted my fate.

“I am going to take pleasure in doing this bitch.” I took a ragged breath and closed my eyes.

“Any last words?” He purred and I snapped my eyes open hoping to get one more comeback in.

“Go to hell and you’re an elephant.” The guard seemed confused for a moment and then suddenly he was ripped off me and the gun went off. I screamed I felt something hit my side and an instant burning. I whipped round and saw that Neal had fallen on the guard and taken him out. The guard pushed Neal off easily like he was nothing and pulled his gun and aimed it between us both.

“How the hell did you get out?” He growled and I grinned.

“Decoy.” I stated waving and the guard cursed.

“Drop you weapon now! You are surrounded.” I heard the familiar bark of Burke and grinned. The guard turned around and saw that he was surrounded and dropped the gun looking gutted. Diana and Jones strode foreword and cuffed him. I smiled as they took him away and smiled when Neal came crawling over to me.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I smiled before laughing. I soon stopped and took in another ragged breath from the intense pain that seized my body.

“Ash?” Neal asked and I doubled over grabbing my side.

“Peter!” Neal yelled and suddenly Burke was at his side. Burke glanced at me and worry was all over his face. I glanced down and they followed my gaze as I pulled my hand from my side to reveal my hand covered in blood.

“Get me medical help now!” Burke roared. “We have a man down!” I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t you mean woman down Burke?” I sarcastically said and Burke just rolled his eyes.

“What is it with sarcasm and you people?” I chuckled before crying out and Neal took my hand. Peter tried to move Neal away to have his leg looked at but he refused to move. I smiled and took his hand in mine and grasped it tightly.

“Don’t let go.” I said sternly and Neal nodded.

“As long as you don’t let go.” He replied.

“Deal.” Neal nodded and soon the ambulance crew was at my side. I felt the darkness creep around the edges of my vision and I tried to push it away unsuccessfully and I found that it was too tiring so I closed my eyes.

“Don’t go to sleep Ashley.” The paramedic demeaned and I shrugged weakly.

“So sleepy.” I mumbled.

“Ashley, stay with us.” He demanded and his voice seemed further away. Neal’s hand was still in my grasp and as I let go from the edge I was clinging to in my mind I let go of his hand.





Thanks for reading

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