Hating The FBI -- Bounty --

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Here is the next chapter and i hope you enjoy.





Chapter 21 –

Being locked in a cell was nothing new and I had been in one lots of times but this felt different. I always had a plan of getting out but this time I didn’t and I knew that there was no way of getting out. I was scared and afraid but there was nothing I could do about it. I heard commotion at the end of the hall so stood up to try and see what was going on, footsteps were what I could hear and they were coming closer. I sighed and sat back down knowing that the footsteps would walk right past me, they always did. I looked at my hands wishing I was free and out in the open where I was meant to be. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed that the footsteps had stopped and they were right outside my cell. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see Neal standing there looking at me next to the suit and he didn’t look comfortable.

“What do you want?” I asked. I wanted to be excited to see him but I couldn’t, I couldn’t feel anything. I was dead on the inside. Neal just looked sad but it was suit that spoke.

“You’re not going to be getting out.” I glanced at him.

“Why?” He looked at Neal then back to me.

“Ask your brother.” The suit then just walked off and left me looking at Neal.

“What does he mean I’m not getting out?” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other and I knew that he was hiding something.

“What is it?” I demanded and began to feel something deep down.

“It’s my fault that your never going to get out.” I looked at him dumbfounded.

“But why?”

“I had to give you up in order to save Peter. It was him or you and I couldn’t let him die.” I felt as if I had been slapped in the face. How could he let the suit live and not me? I was his sister, his own flesh and blood. He looked guilty and full of remorse but I felt anger and rage, something I thought that I would never feel again.

“You did what?” I yelled. I watched him flinch.

“I had to save Peter.” He muttered and I glared at him full of hatred.

“I am your own flesh and blood Neal! Not him. I am your sister you betrayed me! What happened to always watching out for each other? You couldn’t let him die but you can let me die in here?” He shrugged with a cold expression on his face.

“I could ask you the same thing.” He retorted and I banged my hands against the bars not realizing that I had gotten up.

“I have always had your back Neal!” He shrugged.

“You left for the Bahamas without me.” I suddenly felt very cold inside. He was right, I had left him behind but I had given him the chance to come with me and start a new life.

“You are the one who never came. I gave you the choice.” He shrugged.

“Maybe so, but you still left.” I tried to grab him through the bars, I was raging and upset. My own brother had betrayed me and there was nothing I could do. I was going to rot in a jail cell until I was dead. He then turned away from me and walked away until I couldn’t see him no more. I went back to my cot in a daze; he had betrayed me for Peter. I looked up in the small mirror above my sink and looked at my dazed expression before getting up and walked to the mirror never looking away from my expression. There was no way that I could die in prison. That was not how I was supposed to die. I watched as I pulled my fist back in my reflection before swinging forward and smashing the mirror, the shards fell to the floor and I bent down picking up a large jagged piece. I looked out the bars of my cell looking at the other cells and I knew that I could not die this way. I held the jagged piece of glass up and plunged the glass through my chest.

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