Hating The FBI -- Break Free --

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Hey there!

Here is the next chapter and i hope that you enjoy.

Thanks for reading.





Chapter 9 –

         I was currently lying flat out on the floor pretending to make snow angels as I was officially bored and I had nothing else to do. I had been here for hours and I had no idea if Neal was alright and I had no idea what Keller was doing or planning which was driving me to my insanity. I had tried to mess with the guard but he wasn’t interested and nothing seemed to faze him so I gave up easily. I then tried on the other guard who seemed to get annoyed which gave me great joy but soon he ran out of patients before he punched me across the face and threatened to use the taser. I soon gave up on him after that and massaged my face and hoped that I wouldn’t get a bad ass bruise. I was thinking about Mozzie and Neal and wondering what they were doing when I heard the door open. I looked up and saw Keller step through and I grinned sitting up. My smile vanished the moment Neal stumbled into the room and collapsed. I screamed and raced to Neal and turned him over to he was facing the ceiling and I could tell that he had been badly beaten and was still out cold. I glared at Keller.

“What have you done?” I growled. Keller shrugged.

“He didn’t want to meet my terms and I couldn’t have him running to the suits so he could tell them where we are. I thought that it was very sneaky of you to pass along the message like that Ashley. I have to hand it to you, I’m impressed.” I sighed knowing that it was stupid to even think to get a message to Neal and he tell Peter so he could help me. I should have known that Keller was smarter than that. I looked down at Neal’s face and stroked it gently with tears brimming in my eyes. We were both going to die and there was nothing I could do. I looked up at Keller full of hatred.

“What actually is that you want Keller?” I asked in a cold voice that would have scared me if I wasn’t so full of hatred. Keller seemed a little taken aback at my tone but quickly recovered. He then walked over to me and bent down looking me straight in the eye.

“I want us to a team again Ashley. I want you and Caffrey to work for me.”

“I don’t think so Keller.” I spat and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Well that is a shame as I will then have to kill you.”

“What happened to you Keller? You never used to go with the guns.” He shrugged.

“Money and resources got to me Ashley. What I did was a rational thing.” I glared at him.

“Was it though Keller? How was shooting me and stabbing Neal rational?” Keller sighed.

“There is just no pleasing you sometimes Ash.” I bit back the tears and slapped him across the cheek before I looked down at Neal. I noticed from the corner of my eye that Keller waved of a body guard. He then stood up.

“I have some things to care of and when I come back, maybe we can talk.” I ignored Keller and kept looking at Neal. Keller sighed and I heard his familiar footsteps walk away and the door slam close. It was only then that I let out the sobs.

         I must have fallen asleep from the crying when I felt a weak shove to my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly and met Neal’s eyes. I was awake instantly and sat up looking at him.

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