Hating The FBI -- Burke --

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Hello there!!!

here is the next chapter so please enjoy :)




next person to fan will get the dedication


Chapter 10 –

        I stood outside the building that I never thought I would come to willingly and tried to catch my breath for a moment before heading inside. I rushed towards the elevator and pressed the button and waited for the elevator. It seemed to take forever and that time was going really slow and so I glanced around and started to panic when I saw on of Keller’s men outside and I was glad that he was facing the other way. The doors then opened but the guard turned round and spotted me and dashed towards the entrance. I turned back around to dive for the lift when a man with a big cart walked in front of me and got into the lift. My mouth dropped to the floor.

“What are you doing? I was here first!” I yelled and the man just raised an eyebrow.

“What are you twelve?” he asked and I glared.

“Mentally yes!” The man shook his head and the doors closed leaving me free bait for the guard. I looked round and saw that he was heading my way so I turned and ran for the stairs. I pushed the door open and began to race up the stairs and I was on the second flight of stairs when I heard the door swing open. I peered over the side and I saw the guard at the bottom and he pointed the gun at me, I ducked as he shot and I began to run even faster. I was on the fifth flight and I was beginning to tire out and slow down which was not a good sign and if I made it to the top alive I was going to kill whoever designed this building. I kept on going and peered over the side to hear the sound of bullets so I dived down and pushed myself harder and hating myself for not taking up the gym with Neal.

“Give it up now little girl! You got nowhere to go!” He shouted and I stopped short and peered over and the guard had stopped too and was looking at me.

“Did you just call me ‘little girl’?” The man threw me a lazy smile.

“Well that’s what you are.” I narrowed my eyes at him and wished that pigs could fly so they could kill him. I bent down and pulled off a shoe and glared at the guard and threw it.

“I am not a ‘little girl’ you jerk!” I yelled and kept on going up the stairs. I heard more bullets but kept on going and hoped that I could make it up there alive.

            I was gasping for breath and I knew that he was right on my tail. I looked up and saw that I had only one more flight to go and I knew that I had to get there. I pushed once more ignoring the fire in my legs and lungs and climbed the last few stairs. I managed to get to the top and I was about to reach for the door when I got pulled down. I turned and saw that the guard had finally caught up with me. I came down hard and hit my head on the floor and the world span as the guard pinned me and put the gun to my head.

“It was nice knowing you little girl.” He said sarcastically and so I used the best thing I have. My legs. I pulled up my legs and bucked him backwards and he began to fall down the stairs, I looked down the stairs and fist pumped the air weakly when I saw that he was out cold. I turned slowly over still trying to catch my breath and crawled towards the door. I managed to pull myself up and open the door before staggering through and I was glad when I found that I was on the right floor. I walked through the clear doors slowly and ignored the looks that I got from the staff and was soon met by Diana and Jones.

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