Hating The FBI -- Pineapple Head --

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Hey there guys!!!

Here is the next chapter and i hope that you all enjoy :)

next person to fan gets the dedication




Thanks for reading


Chapter 8 - 

           I woke up clutching my head with the biggest headache ever. I rolled onto my side and opening my eyes before regretting it. I heard a chuckle which made me want to punch them in the face. I opened my eyes again to look into the eyes of Keller who was smiling at me.

“Rise and shine sleeping beauty.” I groaned and attempted to slap him but he dodged easily.

“Now Ashley, I thought we were passed violence.” I groaned sitting up slowly ignoring the dizziness that had come as a side effect and as soon as I was back to normal, I was going to beat the living sunshine’s out of Keller.

“What do you want Keller?” I asked frowning at him hoping that I could kill him with my frown.

“I told you to leave New York Ashley.” I sighed.

“Yeah well you should know that I am not the kind to take orders from a jackass.” He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him. He walked over and waved off the body guards that stood behind me.

“I never thought you as a bodyguard type of guy.” I said raising an eyebrow and Keller shrugged.

“These day you have to have some kind of protection.” I shrugged knowing that he was right. I took my time to look at my surroundings which wasn’t a lot. I was in a warehouse of some kind that was as bland as a donkey, the windows all had steel bars on the outside and the only door was on the far side of the room with two bodyguards. I sighed knowing that there was no way in hell that I was going to make it alive. I turned my attention back to Keller who was watching me carefully.

“You know that you won’t make it out alive.” I shrugged.

“I have already come to that conclusion and I am going to ask again Keller. What do you want?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Who says I want anything?”

“Because if you didn’t want something, then I would be dead by now. Don’t take me for a fool Keller, I know you as well as how to make tacos.” He seemed to think for a moment and then went to stand by one of the windows.

“I guess your right Ashley. I do want something.” He never looked at me while he spoke. He seemed lost in himself.

“I want Neal.” He turned back to me and I was shocked.

“Why would you want Neal?” I asked dumbfounded and Keller seemed to like the idea of me not knowing.

“I want Neal as he has something of mine.” I snorted.

“And what that be Matthew?”

“You will find out eventually.” I laughed.

“Oh Keller you have been watching too many of those movies. This is just like a scene from one of them where the evil bad guy doesn’t reveal his plan until the crucial moment.” Keller narrowed his eyes at me and looked up as the door opened.

              “Ah! Here comes my new number two.” I looked up and was shocked to find Peter there. I knew that he went with Keller to the docks but I wasn’t around long enough to see if he got the job. Peter stopped in his tracks for a moment when he saw me there but quickly recovered and went to Keller’s side.

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