Hating The FBI -- You can't be serious? --

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Hey there!

So here is the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy.




next person to fan gets the dedication :)


Chapter 6 –

        I looked around the Warehouse that Keller had supposedly been last and pursed my lips. The place was very run down and the all the windows were smashed out or had parts missing. There was nothing to indicate that Keller had been here and that was what I expected but Peter seemed to have other ideas.

“There has to be something.” He said frustrated. “Even if there is fingerprints.” I looked at Peter who was frustrated and ran his hands through the small amount of hair that he did have.

“You won’t find anything here Peter, that’s not how Keller is.” Neal said trying to comfort him and I watched the exchange between the two men and I knew that Neal liked Peter and that he thought of him as a friend but I just couldn’t see it. We were on the other side of the line and with the way we work; we can’t have friends like that unless they are corrupt. I walked around the large worn out room trying to make sense in why Keller would here and I knew that he must have been here for a meeting or for a deal. Keller never hung out in run down places like this, he liked the high life like Neal and I did. I took a deep breath and then blew it out in a raspberry and I felt Neal behind me.

“You okay?” I nodded my eyes scanning for anything that Peter would miss because he was a fed. I could that Neal was doing the same and we stood back to back looking for evidence. I was about to give up when I saw it. I nudged Neal and pointed to what he had seen and he called Peter over as I headed to the one corner of the room.

“What is it?” Peter asked as I bent down by an old crate. I studied the crate and I noticed that the crate had been moved as there was a disturbance in the dust and there was a clean patch on the floor which also indicated that the crate had been moved.

“This crate has been moved.” I stated and I could almost hear the rolling of Peter’s eyes.

“Yes the crate has been moved. That doesn’t tell us anything as Keller or one of men could have knocked it accidently.” It was my turn to roll my eyes I looked at Peter with my eyebrows and then at Neal.

“Considering he caught you, he doesn’t know a lot.” I ignored the frown that I earned from Neal and looked back at the crate.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Peter demanded and I glanced at him.

“It means that you always have to look closer when it comes to Neal and so that should have taught you the same thing with Keller as we used to be buddies with him.” I turned to the crate and pulled a pair of leather gloves from my pocket and put them on. I gently rested my hands on the crate and turned it over slightly and I found that there was a new set of screws on the one side. I looked up at Peter.

“Are you sure that it means nothing Peter?” I asked innocently and he frowned. He called over Diana and she arranged for some agents to take the box back to the office so it could be analyzed for fingerprints. I glanced at my watch and smiled before standing up and taking of my gloves before turning to Peter.

“If you would excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.”

           “Have you heard anything?” I asked Mozzie as I sat down on the terrace of Neal’s apartment. Mozzie was sat casual as ever nursing a glass of wine which I suspected as one of Neal’s and he was playing cards with June and it seemed that he was having trouble winning. June and I exchanged greetings as I sat beside her and took a cup of coffee that was sat on the table in front.

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