Hating The FBI -- Cute Coffee Shop Guy --

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hey there!

Here is the next chapter and sorry it has been a while.

Hope you enjoy




Next person tp fan gets the dedication


Chapter 15 –

        “So what do we know so far?” Peter asked as sat in the conference room, he was looking at the image of the lecturer on the screen frowning hard as if the answers would randomly appear.

“Well we know that he is using his students to do all the dirty work so he can walk away with target.” Neal offered and Peter nodded thoughtfully.

“And we all know that he is a complete demented fish.” I added and he just frowned at me.

“Thank you for the comment Ashley.” I beamed.

“We know that he is committing the crimes but we have no evidence.” Jones stated and I nodded in thought and then grinned. 

“What if I was able to join the class?” I asked and they all looked at me as if I had grown a second head.

“It’s not a bad idea. I will convince them that I am still in the trade and that I can offer my services and get them to go after something valuable.” Diana just looked at me and then at Peter.

“Boss, that may just work.”

“Why thank you Diana.” I said bowing slightly; she just rolled her eyes at me making me laugh.

“I think we should take a little trip to The Globe don’t you think?” Neal asked giving me a knowing smile and I grinned back.

“I think we should.” I was excited to able to get out and become part of a con again even though I was currently working on one with Mozzie but I couldn’t resist the temptation.

           We stepped into The Globe and headed over to the table where the professor and the students were in deep conversation about what they could pull their next heist on. The professor noticed our approach and leaned up from the group.

“Now remember that this is all hypothetical.” The students nodded and Neal and I knew that they were just saying that for our benefit. I plonked myself on the seat next to one of the students and I smiled at him and he seemed to blush. I gave him my charming smile and that made him blush more. Neal took the seat opposite me and gave me the hidden message in the smile and I returned it with one of my own and that was when Neal turned on the charm with me in tow. We began to show off our little tricks of conning that we had picked up over the years and with the both of us we were the best. The students were amazed by what we could do and I ended up showing the blushing lad how to do a few tricks which made him very nervous. I then noticed that one student of the group wasn’t very impressed by what we could do and he seemed very arrogant. I signalled Neal and he picked up on what I saw then gave me the wink and I nodded. I got up from my seat and headed over to the bar to grab a drink. Once at the bar, I ordered my drink and glanced across to find that Alex was sitting there sipping her drink slowly. She glanced my way giving me a small smile and I nodded grabbing my drink and headed back knowing that she was in position. I took the seat next the arrogant ass and turned on the charm.

“And who you might be?” I asked and he looked at me and shrugged.

“Eric.” He grunted and I turned on the pout.

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