Hating The FBI -- Willy the Whiskey --

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Hey there!

Here is the next chapter and i know that it has been a while and sorry for that.



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Chapter 16 –

         I walked into the office with a huge grin on my face. I had dug up a lot on dirt on that scumbag Russell without people asking too many questions which meant that I wouldn’t have people on my ass and trying to kill me. I was in such a good mood as I had done well with Russell and I couldn’t wait until I could meet up with Ben again, I had text him and we were going to meet up for a drink soon so I was pretty much on cloud nine. I skipped into the conference room which had pretty much where I spent a lot of my life lately and I flopped into my favourite chair Bobby. I then picked up the ball of elastic bands that were sitting on the table and began to play with it while swinging round on Bobby waiting for the others to come in. Peter and Neal soon came in after me and I noticed that they were in a heated discussion which was soon cut off when they spotted me. Neal looked ticked off and Peter looked frustrated which wasn’t much of a change but for Neal to look ticked off, something must be wrong.

“Something wrong boys?” I asked smiling innocently and Neal just scowled and looked away before going to sulk in his chair which caused me to raise an eyebrow. I then looked at Peter waiting for an answer as I knew that Neal would be stubborn and wouldn’t tell me. He glanced at Neal before turning to me and sighed.

“Neal and I were discussing the music box.” I groaned and threw the elastic band across the table before putting my head on the desk wishing we weren’t having this conversation. Once I faced the dreading reality I pulled my heavy head from the table and looked at Neal.

“I thought we talked about this.” He just glared at me.

“I just can’t walk away from Kate.” It was the same argument on a constant loop which never changed, we had been having this argument for the last few weeks and I couldn’t take it anymore. I threw my hands up in the air in pure frustration.

“But she left you! She left you high and dry in prison and because of her you made a stupid mistake and got dog collared from suit here.” I yelled slamming my hands on the desk making Peter and Neal jump. I was tired of Neal wasting his life on some girl that walked away. I then regretted the words that had left my mouth when I saw the look on Neal’s face.

“Neal…” I wished that I could take back everything that I had said. He just put his hand up before I could finish and stood up.

“No. You listen to me. You were the one that never came to see me Ash, you came what? Twice? Kate came to see me every week without fail and sent me letters. She was there for me not you!” He was yelling by the end and I just stood there stunned into silence and would have been preferred to have been slapped in the face.

“You really think that I didn’t come because I didn’t care?” I growled. I was furious and i knew that my blood was boiling.

“You didn’t have time Ash. You were too busy with Mozzie, gallivanting off doing heists in galleries and pulling cons!”  He shouted and I then noticed that Burke looked suddenly interested from the corner of my eye. I almost took Neal out but I somehow restrained myself.

“Watch what you say Neal.” I warned. Neal laughed a cold laugh with no humour.

“Watch what I say? That’s low and you know it. What are you afraid Peter will start digging and you know it wont take him very long or are you scared of prison or being ‘dog collared’?” I was stunned once again. I couldn’t believe what he was saying, he knew that Peter wouldn’t have to go that deep as he was quite resourceful when he wanted to be and he knew us almost as well as we knew ourselves. I couldn’t believe why he was so hung up about Kate as she was the one that left him not me.

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