Hating The FBI -- The Famous Caffrey Smile --

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Hey there!!!

Twice in a few days :O Its a shock i know but it most likely wont happen again for a while. So here is the next chapter and i hope you enjoy :)




next person to fan gets the dedication


Chapter 14 –

        We reached the studio in which this Justin was supposed to be studying and where his class was taking place. Neal went through the door first and I followed in second with Peter on my tail and I wished that I hadn’t entered the room.

“Maybe I should come back to college.” Neal murmured and I scoffed knowing that he wouldn’t be able to last two minutes in college. I adverted my eyes from the main reason for Neal’s statement as there was a naked woman standing in the middle of the room while the college students studied her and tried to create a piece. I focused on the work of the students looking for Justin while doing so and I soon found him as his art work was impressive. I nudged Neal and nodded towards the painting and the students and he looked at Peter and we made our way over to the student.

“Justin Magary?” Peter asked and the young kid looked up.

“Can I help you?” he seemed nervous that there were three of us standing there. The suit pulled out his badge and showed the kid subtly making sure not to alert any of the other students.

“Maybe we can take this somewhere else?” He said so only the kid and us could hear and now the kid looked petrified and nodded and put down his stuff and grabbed his stuff before following us out the door. I flopped down into my seat in the conference room where we were interviewing the kid.

“I honestly don’t know anything.” He seemed scared but Burke wasn’t having any of it.

“So you didn’t find it odd that someone asked you to paint three copies of the painting?” Justin shrugged.

“I’m an art student and low on funds, I didn’t question it.”

“They were quite impressive.” I commented from my seat and Peter shot me a glance. Justin gave me a small smile and then frowned at me.

“I have seen you before.” I raised an eyebrow and shook my head.

“I don’t think so kid. I don’t hang around college campuses.” He shook his head and leaned foreword and grabbed his sketchbook and started to flick through the vast amount of drawings that he owned until he fell on the one that he was looking for, he then placed it on the table and so it was facing me. My mouth fell open as a copy of me was staring at me from the piece of paper; I then glared at the kid.

“Where the hell did you draw this?” I demanded. I looked back at the drawing and I then noticed that I looked deep in thought with a slight frown on my face. The lines in the drawing were well done and he had gotten all the small details especially in my eyes. Justin blushed.

“I noticed you in the same art gallery last year when you were studying the ‘Street Light’ by Giacomo Bella.” I paled as I knew that I had stolen that painting and glanced at Peter who seemed suddenly interested in the conversation as well as Neal who looked slightly panicked as he knew that I had taken this painting.

“When did you draw this?” Peter asked and I bit my lip knowing that I was on the verge of getting arrested.

“About July. Why?” Justin asked and I could see the cogs in Peter’s head turning and putting the two and two together. I was just glad that I had fenced the piece straight after so I didn’t have a clue where it would be now. I got a look of Peter which indicated that I was so dead.

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