Hating The FBI -- Uh Oh --

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Hello there!!

Here is the next chapter and i hope that you all enjoy :)

------------> Found this video and it made me laugh and remeber the first season ------------>




Next person to fan gets the dedication :P


Chapter 7 –

        “I just can’t do it!” Peter sighed in exasperation. I rolled my eyes and explained to him for the hundredth time on how to pick pocket successfully.

“It’s quite simple suit.” Mozzie said getting up from his chair and walking over so he was stood next to me. Neal and I had asked Mozzie to come along as he was the great master and if anyone could teach Peter, then it was Mozzie.

“Make this shape with your fingers.” Mozzie said making a scissor motion with his thumb and index finger. He then stood next to the coat that we had designed for peter to practice on. It had bells all over it so that the slightest movement made would set the bells off indicating that the mark had felt what was going on.

“Now all you have to do is slide the fingers into the pocket and retrieve the item out and walking away.” Mozzie slid his fingers into the pocket and pulled out my phone from the pocket. Peter sighed and I rolled my eyes.

“You’re over thinking it Burke, just go with it and don’t think about it.” I said hoping that he might take my advice and that it would work. Peter nodded and tried again and only made the jacket jingle once. I grinned.

“That was a lot better and see how much easier it is when you don’t over think it?” I said happily and Peter frowned. Neal came across the room and brushed passed Peter and I smiled when I knew what he was doing. Peter looked at Neal and Neal gave him an apologetic smile before leaning over to pick up a book that was lying on the coffee table. Peter shrugged and turned back to us and frowned in confusion when he saw me smiling. I pointed to Neal behind him and Neal held up Peter’s phone that had been in his pocket.

“Now that is how it should be done and the mark should be left feeling confused to on how it happened.” I stated as Peter snatched his phone back. Neal chuckled and came and stood by me resting his strong hands on my shoulders. I leaned my head back so it was resting on Neal’s chest and closed my eyes listening to the sound of his heart beat.

“How do you think he’s doing?” I asked Neal and I could feel him shrug.

“I think that he will get there.” I sighed.

“Just look at him though Neal. We have had years of experience and Peter is expected to pull this off in a few days and be as good as us, I don’t think that he will be able to do it.” Neal shrugged.

“You underestimate Peter.”

“And you have too much faith in him.” I shot back and I opened my eyes to see Neal frowning. I looked over to see Mozzie smiling.

“I believe that the suit has mastered the art of pick pocketing.” Mozzie said happily and I smiled hoping that Neal would prove me wrong and that his faith in Peter would last and that he would not be let down.

         “We will be able to hear you at all times with the speaker in the watch and if you feel that you are in a corner and that you are in danger, just remember to use the safe word.” Diana instructed as she clasped the watch onto Peter’s wrist. We were all sat in the back of the surveillance van and Peter was getting ready for the interview with Keller. Through the whole week we had been testing Peter and teaching him the basic tricks of the trade and hoped that it would be enough.

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