Hating The FBI -- Out with the old, in with the new --

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Hey there!

here is the next chapter and i hope that you enjoy.




next person to follow gets the dedication


Chapter 19 –

       I couldn’t believe that I was doing this, it went against everything that I ever said I would do but here I was signing a piece of paper that made me property of the FBI. The suit was stood beside me smiling like an idiot and I was glad that someone thought that this was a good thing. Once I had signed the piece of paper a guard came out from behind the desk with my anklet and I looked at it with disgust. The guard laughed at my face.

“It’s not that bad.” I snorted.

“Tell that to a dog being forced to wear a muzzle and then you will get the idea.” He chuckled and motioned for me to raise my jeans to expose my ankle. I sighed knowing there was no easy way out so I hoisted my leg up onto the desk and rolled up one leg and watched feeling sick as he placed the anklet on me. I heard the anklet beep once it was fastened meaning that I was now theirs and they would be able to track me wherever I went. I sighed feeling dejected and miserable. I could see that suit was watching me out the corner of my eye but I refused to meet his stare, all I wanted was just to be alone and drown in my self pity. Suit took my things from the desk and then motioned for me to leave through the door and I went dragging my feet. Mozzie was glad when he had heard that I was getting dog tagged and everyone seemed to think that it was a good thing but I thought otherwise, I knew that I would have to stick to the boundaries that were given to me and that I would never be able to travel again, at least not without an agent. I also knew that if I went out of the boundary that I would end up straight back in prison and that was not what I was aiming for. I wanted to be free not dog tagged but my luck had run out and it seemed that the FB I had great pleasure in owning me. I left the prison with the suit and now I knew how Neal felt but not the same extent as he was the one who had struck the deal in the first place. I looked up at the sky and watched a plane fly overhead and I sighed, suit stood beside me and looked up to see what I was looking at.

“I won’t be able to fly, not for a long time.” I looked across at suit and I noticed that he looked slightly guilty and sad.

“Come on, I will give you a ride home.” I nodded and headed towards the car.

         I was glad to be alone in my apartment which had been revamped to my liking and I was ready to share my feelings with a nice bottle of whiskey. I was halfway down and looking through the internet making myself feel better by looking at lol cats when my email pinged. I raised an eyebrow wondering who would be emailing at 3 a.m. I put my glass down and opened up the email and was intrigued to find that I didn’t recognise the sender, I opened the email and was surprised by what I saw.


I have a way in which you can get rid of that anklet once and for all and be free without the past catching up with you. I plan on doing the same thing and I want you to do it with me and we can have a fresh start somewhere. Everything will be taken care of so what do you say?


I sat back looking at the email knowing that it was off Alex. I wondered what she meant by getting rid of my anklet once and for all and being free without the past catching up, that was a pretty big order and not one that can be done easily. I sighed rubbing my eyes and pouring another shot of whiskey and downing the lot feeling the burning sensation down my throat. I looked down at my anklet wondering if she really could get rid of my anklet and my past. I was ready to move on and get away from here once and for all and not to come back. I knew that it would be a big choice to make and that I couldn’t rush into it, I glanced at the table next to my sofa and saw a picture of me and Neal when we were younger laughing in central park. I would have to say goodbye to Neal and Mozzie and I wasn’t sure if I could do that. I was at war with myself when another email pinged through from Alex.

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