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Authors note : We have a new character ocean eyes (Dantè) . To be honest I have no idea where these two are going . Lol my fingers and mind shut my common sense off so this chapter will hopefully intrigue you because I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy writing it! ! Common sense off . If you are reading this thank you for following and reading my story this far , means a ton and I hope you are enjoying my crazy imagination and it's thoughts running wild .......


"Could you say something please ? Awkward silence makes me  uncomfortable."

 "This is not awkward silence u making it awkward silence by saying it's awkward silence , for we are just two casual people that happened to cross paths by fate in the same forest at the same time and I happened to be a lucky lad to see you in the state of a damsel in distress ." His so not going to let it go is he ?

"I have a feeling you going to hold the distress thing against me aren't you ," I sigh and he gives me a bright and mischievous smirk that would probably have a shine to it if this was a movie and says ,"you know it i know it why question it and yes for the rest of your life I will remember and hold this day against you my Rapunzel !"

For the rest of  my life ? What makes him so sure he will ever see me again after today. That realization brings a smirk to my very own face .

"Do you know where I can find a frying pan in the middle of nowhere so I can hit you my Eugene Fitzherbert ?" Good thing I sat through Tangled with Ryan's daughter , Mckenzie.

"Last time I checked I have ocean eyes and Eugene has brown eyes but I will take it if it means you being my Raps ." He gives me a priceless smile and winks at me . So I said my thoughts aloud , stupid stupid Blayke . Curse my blush ! The weird thing is I feel really calm and safe with him , I like this .

"You not stupid and your new name is Rapunzel ." Again ughgggg , I'm shutting up now .

"Why so quiet Raps ?" I giggle because it's only been five minutes.  Yes i am counting , counting the minutes until a rush of anxiety fills my senses . I have this gut feeling something bad is about to happen . I know , I know it is an obvious observation why I could  have this feeling . I mean I am running off with a complete stranger which could be a potential kidnapper  .

"You are making me lazy by keeping quiet , I don't think I will be able to walk any farther if you don't entertain my ears !" A dramatic kidnapper .

I giggle as he makes a face that can make one believe he is in agonizing pain . If I never knew he was pretending I would have believed him and rushed him to the nearest hospital limping with my boot .

"How much longer!" I throw my head back .

"It's you making it longer by keeping quiet!" He chuckles and shakes his head .

"We are here !" I lift my head up again and I'm met with the glistening of a waterfall . At the pool of the waterfall a few pink water -lilies lay a float with water beading the tips of each petal making it shine rainbows with the reflection of the bright sunlight . The scene before us is breathtaking !

Dantè carries me until we are at the shore of the pool of the waterfall and lays me down gently on the damp grass .

"Sorry about making you sit on wet ground it's just the .." I interrupt him, " how did you find this place ?"

YOU , ME SUMMER VACATION  (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now