The raging heart

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"Blayke ." Blue eyes manages to croak before he gets swept out of the hospital  room .

For the next hour , no one besides my doctor is allowed to see me , checking my vitals filling in the gaps , wait there is no gaps to fill as all i remember is a name , Asher , which apparently belongs to Blue eyes .

"I know this all seems confusing , but Asher is your husband , you can trust him ." I almost choke on an ice chip , say what now ?

Husband !

"You're kidding ."

"No Mrs Alvera , " i blink back tears that are on the verge of spilling .

"Do you want me to get him ?" She asks concern as clear as daylight shadowing her once calm composure .

"Yes ." No !

"I mean , yes ." Why can my mouth not cooperate with my brain !

Dr. Hudges raises her eyebrow at me , but dismisses herself to call my 'husband .'

Blue eyes knocks before he walks in , i know his waiting for a come in or maybe a nod but i give him none , so he just invites himself in and makes his way to the chair he was sitting in when i opened my eyes . 

The loud beeping noise coming from one of the machines plugged into me sounds and Dr. Hudges waltzes in giving Blue eyes a pointed look which he does not spare even a glance because his eyes are trained on me .

I manage to calm my raging heart as i wipe my clamy hands over my hospital gown .

No words are exchanged between us , none have to be said though it's like we see into each other's souls for his eyes bare his emotions  to the surface . Pain . Anger . Saddness . Worry . Love . Those blue eyes say it all , there is a raging storm behind them and as i stare into them i notice a bit of red in them , his blue orbs making it very clear  that his been crying .

I cast my eyes down staring at my hands , occupying myself by wringing them .

His hand gently touches my skin under my chin lifting my head back up to look into his eyes . The machine once again goes wild but we don't pay much attention to it .

I don't expect to feel sparks which immediately dampen down as a wave of guilt comes crashing down on me making the sparks turn into an acid feeling .

I must wince because he quickly extracts his hand away from my now heated face . I hear him exhale deeply then he makes a beeline towards the door but once again my mouth and mind are on two different paths .

"Don't go ." I blurt out in a voice i do not recognize .

He stops in his tracks his hands lingering on the doorknob  . I hear him choke out a cry and i find myself also trying to hold back my own tears .

"Can you do me one favour ?" He asks in a shaky voice with his eyes looking  anywhere but at  me as he makes his way back to my side .

"Say my name ." His troubled eyes meet mine as a single tear runs down his pale cheek creating a damp path in its wake that looks as if it may stain his cheek permanently .

My heart clenches , its a simple wish but i am making it seem like he is asking me to get him the moon .

"Say it like you know who i am ." His hands enclose mine in his own and he gives them a gentle squeeze .

My voice gets caught in my throat but i manage to choke out ,"Asher ."

His expression crumbles ,  tears stream down his cheeks but he has a meek smile plastered on his face .

His hands still hold mine as i feel the splashes of his tears roll down our intertwined hands , its a warm feeling and i feel as if i should hold onto it for as long as i can .

"Mr Alvera , you may go sign the discharge papers , she is ready to go home ." Dr. Hudges spoils our little moment , and when i mean spoils i mean spoils .

Home !

We obviously live together , but ....

Suddenly Asher's tears are not the only thing making my hands damp as i feel a fresh coat of sweat arise to my already clammy hands .

"Are you ready to go home Mrs Alvera ?" Dr. Hudges sweetly smiles at me , already trying to get rid of me i see .....

I gulp feeling as if i may choke on my own spit and just give her a brief nod .

"I'll be right back ." Asher says with so much promise in his puffy  eyes  .

"Home ," i taste the word on my tongue , as both Dr. Hudges and Asher leave me alone to dwell on the thought of 'home.'

YOU , ME SUMMER VACATION  (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now