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Some say dreams are just your imagination running wild , some say your dreams have all happened in a certain time of your existence but you never really  paid the scene much attention , i believe that theory .

I am still here where ever 'here' is . It could be the hospital , maybe in bed laying next to Asher , or who knows maybe still at the scene where all this began . As if on queue another scene unfolds infront of me .

Its me driving , on my way home . I get a phone call while i am driving , but my phone has fallen under my car seat .

"No ! Do don't reach for it ." I shout in a voice i hardly recognize .

I reach for the phone and as i am about to answer it i see a truck in my lane . I feel a bit confused for a split second thinking i moved out of my lane but then i realize no his moved into mine and is coming straight at me . I honk my horn hard , but the driver of the truck ignores me .

"No ." I whisper and fall to the ground , i can not watch this . Not again . But as i said this is my escape room a place the world designed for my torture . The scene bounces and once again it is in front of my eyes . I wimper as i watch myself come up with a mental plan . I decided to quickly swerve into the trucks lane , hitting a car will not be as bad as a truck hitting me.

Just as i do that the truck comes speeding past me and my car crashes into another , the impact of the crash made my car turn on its roof .

My tears have become a pool at my feet my chest tightens as i get a sharp pain in my leg . I clutch my leg to my chest as i watch myself hang upside down unconsious blood everywhere .

I watch myself go in and out of this world . Maybe i am still there , hanging upside down hoping .

Who am i kidding i know where i am , i know what i have done to deserve this but i just will not admit it to myself . The girl hanging upside down knows it too , she is way better at this than i am , but she is in my past , she has no knowledge of what happens next but i do . She is me , and i am her , i feel pity for her , for her to wake up and then come here and watch all this happen again for her to see his face and learn of what destruction she has caused  .......

No one in particular

"Kristeen please confirm i can go home now ." I chuckle , its been four hours on set and i am drained  and to make it worse i have not had time to even call Taya .

"Yes you can go home now and be with your women ." She giggles back at me .

"I am looking for Asher Alvera do not act like you do not know who i am ! I am his brother in law for pete's sake !" I hear Ryan shouting at the security .

"Hey whats up man ?" I jog to the gate and see my brother in law looking pale in the face .

"Blayke had an accident , Bryan is already at the sc-" before he can finish his statement i am already pushing past him and the security and i am met smack in the face with flashing cameras .

"Asher Alvera tell us why Blayke has disappeared off the face of this earth for the past se-"

Rage fills me and i cut her mid sentance . "Get my wife's name out of your mouth !"

"Mr Alvera !" I hear Felix call out to me on the other side of the wall of paparazzi .

I sprint through the crowd not caring if i pushed some of the people to the ground and make it to my car .

"Thank you Felix , call Berney get him to get rid of all this paparazzi i do not care what it takes !" My voice breaks , please be okay .

"They never saw anything ." Felix assures me , but at this moment i do not really care if they saw or not privacy was what Taya and i both lack from day one .

"Bryan got her out quick , his team made sure to cover her up ." Stop taking Felix just get me to my wife is what i really want to say but instead i stay quiet and give him a stern nod in fear of what my voice might sound like or worse what nasty things might come out of my mouth .

YOU , ME SUMMER VACATION  (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now