Something to grasp

19 9 3

I yawn and he tips my head back ," Are you tired ?"

I shake my head rubbing my eyes . Why disturb this once in a while moment ?  This will probably be the last ...

"Do you remember this song ?" I feel my smile leave my face as quickly as it came . Please don't say it .

"This was the song that played the first time we danced ." He said it .

I sigh , moment over so much for savouring it .

"This is no movie where the memories appear in dreams and all that rubbish ." I try lighten the mood .

"Everyone is different , maybe it is just not the perfect time for you to remember ."

His living in a fantasy .

"You make it seem like it is my fault ." I move out of his arms and brush my loose hair back with my fingers .

"Like i chose to not remember  !" I am letting it all out .

Opening the flood gates !

"Its like you are accusing me of refusing to remember , like i am blocking them out !"

"I am not , you have no idea how it felt to wake up and be so lost not knowing who anyone is or better yet who you are ."

"I am sick and tired of this , you can not get the old me back because to me she never existed , okay !" Hot tears stream down my cheeks and he tries to pull me into his arms ; however , I refuse . Not this time .

"No Ash , you can not keep holding onto the past , i am not the girl you fell in love with . She is gone ; she died in the accident  . There is nothing that hurts my heart more than to know that i am hurting you because you keep holding onto the past , that does not exist in my world . I am sorry , okay . I can not change it . "

He is silent , only his emotions being displayed in his blue eyes like a sea at storm .

"I think its time we let each other go ," i couldn't stop the words from coming out of my mouth . It is time he knows .

"What are you saying ?" This grasps his attention . He moves towards me but stops when I take a few steps back .

"I am saying i want a divorce ."

Its out , no turning back. As soon as those words leave my mouth an unknown weight is lifted from my shoulders .

"What about all the things we have been through together  ? All our memories ... you just throwing them away as if they were nothing." I choke back my tears and try and explain this in the nicest way possible .

"No Ash , the things you and the old me have been through . You don't know this girl or love this girl . I can't throw something that is not in my grasp  ." I am pointing frustrated fingers at myself then at him .

"I am not the girl you married ; she is gone , and she is not coming back ." As much as this is painful , i think it is time it all came out . He needs to know . I can not keep him in the darkness . It's leaving us both unhappy .

"You have those memories of her , not me ." He winces at my words and takes a step back .

The anguish that crosses his features is breaking the courage I have built to finally tell him the truth .

"How long ?" His glossy eyes are shining with unshed tears .

"How long have you been planning this ?" He further elaborates . I have never seen him so vulnerable .


"No , Blayke ; tell me ." He demands in a cracked voice .

"Before we shot the third scene of Darkest places , when you had tried to kiss me ."

"This is what you want ." His voice is barely audible .

"Yes ."

Authors note :

Just like the day that I met you, the day I thought forever ,said that you love me, but that'll last for never ....

Short but for dramatics .

YOU , ME SUMMER VACATION  (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now