The Thread

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"I don't think I am in love with you ."  I state bluntly as Ash rubs my feet . We got back from the Grammy's about two hours ago and my feet are killing me .

I watch his brows knit into a frown .

"What do you mean you don't think you in love with me ." He continues to rub my feet as I explain .

"I mean I do love you , but not in the context  I am supposed to ." He face does this thing when he is hurt but does not want to show it .

His lips form a straight line , one of his eyebrows rise and his eyes turn a shade lighter .

"I mean when I woke up a year ago with no memory I was lost so I believed every word I was told to try and 'find myself ' but now it has been a year I think I am finding a new me ... the old me she was so easy to forget so maybe I was never her ."

"The same you that married me ?" His got hurt written across his forehead .

"Yeh , I mean I spent this whole year trying to find that connection we are supposed to  have , find my love for you but its just not coming ."

"So what are you saying ." Now his got worry written across his forehead .

"Maybe it is time to start a fresh , and stop focusing on trying to get the old me back , instead of dangling from that thread I can make my own rope and steady myself ."

"How do you plan on cutting that thread ?"

"You are the thread keeping me in the past , so I guess I am saying I want a divorce ."

"What !" He stands up and paces in front of me .

"You want a divorce ?" His tone is laced with anger as he yanks at his hair .

"You can't !" He growls at me .

"What do you mean I can't . Asher all we do is fight most of the time because you are stubborn and you always have to be right ." I stand up and take his hands in mine and say ," It will be okay ."

"Stop that we are not getting a divorce  ! "

"Yes yes we are ." He glares down as me before stomping into our bedroom leaving me standing in the lounge .

He took it better than I expected him to .

I wander down the passage passing the multiple rooms . I always seem to stop at one .

The door stay locked , tissue is stuffed into the hole where the key belongs allowing no one to even get a glimpse of what could be in it .

When you try to peek under the door all you see is darkness , even from outside the curtains are covered by black material and the windows are locked .

I have asked what is behind the doors but no one ever answers they always steer clear from the topic of the mystery behind the closed door .

I continue my journey down the long passage way looking at the pictures that hang on the walls . Some are missing .

There is this one picture that helped me realize I will never be the girl I was from before the accident .

Its of Ash and I with a sleeping Elvis Presley , I wore a big smile on my face . I was not smiling for the camera instead smiling at Ash giggling . That girl with that smile is long gone .

The one next to it is of us on our wedding day , me dressed in white smiling so hard at Ash I am pretty sure my jaw was sore . The look the girl in the picture gave him was out of this world . She looked at him , like it was just the two of them against the world and she had no care . That girl is gone , she left to easily so that makes me wonder was I ever really her . She was forgotten as if she never was  .

After I woke up from my 2 month coma , I was blank memory wiped clean . I never knew my own name .

It took Ash a long time with the help of family and friends to convince me I was in fact his wife . I remember the look on his face , its the same look he gives me a whole year later . Guilt ridden , anger , pain ... a lot of pain . He too has changed , we both have .

I think it is time though I find this new me that I am becoming maybe this was my one chance to do things differently , start a fresh and see where I go from there .

Adventures are never on a straight path , you have got to go the wrong direction to find something you never new existed until you find it . I want to find it ... and I know I will but first the single thread has to be cut and so I call Barney ...

AN :

I am so proud of her ... she remembered her saying !

I hope one day it becomes a great quote with my name on it !

What do you think is behind the door ?

Why do you think she is calling Barney ?

Leave a comment I would love to see your guesses ... if either one of them is correct I will dedicate a chapter to you !



YOU , ME SUMMER VACATION  (Editing )Where stories live. Discover now