♥ Watson x Porkius (Techza)

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Warnings:  // Drunk, teasing, grinding 

"I need you" Watson let out a hiccup, his warms hands dragging over the King's lap. "Please." He breath smelled like wine and whisky combined, his face flushed, top unbuttoned, pants lose. He eventually settled into the King's lap, his long legs wrapping around the taller and the back of the chair, locking his ankles together.

"Watson, you're drunk." The King spoke lowly, his arms still resting on the armrests. "And you're pink, your point?" He leaned his head all the way back as he stared at the low dim-lit ceiling, his visions swarming.

"Watson, I think you need to stop for tonight."

"What I need-" Watson grabbed the King's expensive clothing, probably more expensive than his house.

"Is you to fucking touch me"

The King rolled his eyes, shaking his head in disapproval. "And who are you to be telling me orders?" Watson's bleary eyes stared at the piglin hybrid, his eyes focusing before becoming distant again. The blond let out a creepy smile, almost sinister. "Well, I guess you won't be needing those war plans anymore."

The King raised his eyebrow at that. His eyes becoming colder, snapping in the directions where a few papers should have been. That son of a- In a quick motion, making Watson yelp, he slammed the blond onto his desk not giving a single damn for the other's safety. "Where are they."

Watson just smiled, unbuttoning his shirt. "Let's play a game." Blond locks decorated around his head like a halo, he looked like an angel, the biblical kind. "The notes are somewhere hidden in my clothing, find them, they're yours."

The King felt a migraine coming.

"if you don't...well. I'm sure you know."

Pork man sighed, maybe he shouldn't have let his dick do the talking.

The King, unfortunately, decided to play this little so-called game of his. Taking off his monocle with a loud sigh, his heart can't help but speed up upon hearing the giggling from the small blond who took his sigh as a silent agreement.

The King padded the human down, his hands purposely avoiding the naughty areas. Watson didn't like that one bit. "I'll give you a hint." Porkchop stopped his movements, "It's not on the outside of my clothing." There's that goddamn smile again, "You are such a-" The prime rib didn't even finish his sentence, already snagging the blond's shirt, ripping it open.

The King stared, and stared, and stared. A hummed giggled escaped his venomous mouth, tugging the King closer with his legs wrapped around the higher-up's waist, "Like what you see?" Hoglin didn't respond, only staring until he had spotted a corner of a paper that was hidden quite well on the inside of Watson's shirt. It practically blended with the shirt. Clever.

Watson snapped his head to the side and quickly snapped his leg up, his foot managing to just hit the side of King's face. Using that as a distraction, his Swifty rolled to his stomach and tried to launch himself to the floor by using his strength of his forearms but the King had recovered quickly, catching his ankle.

"Fuck!" The blond was forcefully dragged back onto the desk and right back into the same position he was before this time the King held into Watson'd leg, bending said leg down towards the owner's direction, his knee nearly touching his pale chest.

He tried to croak out a plea but was silenced by a loud moan that had escaped his mouth. The King grinded his other hand hard into the blond's member, "You are not going anywhere." Watson gasped, his eyes finally focusing on the hard gaze from the piglin, the red eyes practically glowing.

"Now I'm pissed."

(This part was made by Mama Ava, original work on Discord)

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