♥God losing his Angel •Techza•

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An Old story long ago was told that Gods and humans lived in peace but that all changed when one god came in place, The Blood God. Humans were very afraid of the god and other gods couldn't compare the strength he has or speed. Every god has an angel to help them when they need help or sticking by their side, The blood god kinda just Rule over the lands of Gods. The blood god or his name Technoblade the ruler over the land of gods, Today he was going to get his own angel to help him when he needs help. But he doesn't need anyone, he doesn't wanna be slow down when in battle.

When Technoblade was walking he heard voices around them the gods whispered to one and another, yet he heard this, "I heard the Blood god going get that one angel everyone so scared to get, The Angel of Death" the rose an eyebrow to that 'The angel of death; he had to see this angel now if they call them Angel of Death. Technoblade kept walking, he was walking to his castle. Every god has a castle of its own, as The blood god got to his castle, he was now walking up to his castle; gates opening as he walked through looking around seeing everything was nice and clean. He walked inside his castle, going to his throne room. As he made it to his throne he walked up a few stairs and sat down on his throne, he glanced around seeing a few people in the throne room cleaning it or putting things up. He then sees Ranboo coming up to him, his dearest friend also a fellow god he trusts. The god of Memory was just visiting Techno and also wanted to see the angel everyone was talking about.

"Ah, Techno! The angel here," Techno rose an eyebrow and lightly smiled at Ranboo and nodded "Thank you for letting me know Ranboo." Ranboo nodded, he kinda just stand by Techno as the blood god looks at the door seeing it open. As they said the angel was here, once he saw this angel his eyes couldn't leave the angel. The angel had black wings and all the angels have all-white wings here, maybe that's why they call him the Angel of death cause his wings are black. The angel stood a few feet away from the stairs that lead to his throne, he then bows to the gods then he heard him speaking "Hello My God, my name is Philza" The angel rose and smiled at Techno and Ranboo.

From that day The blood god and the angel fought side by side, The god would gift Philza gold gifts and he would always feel he isn't giving enough so he gives his god an emerald earring and Philza had one, they both have emerald earring on one ear. That made the god just fell for this angel, Techno loved this angel his angel of death. He always wanted to tell Philza how he felt but didn't have the guts to do it, Weak of him huh? Well, he glads he can have this angel all for himself and only for him, he loves their wings, their chuckled, giggles, and their sweetness to him.

War broke out with the God of Manhunt and the Blood God, Dream the manhunt god wanted to rule all gods since Technoblade has taken that title. Techno was fighting with the God of Arson, Sapnap, and Philza was fighting with the God of manhunt. People say The angel of Death has the same strength and speed as a god, both angel and god weapons clash together sparks flew from metal hitting metal. Philza had looked over to Techno to see if he ok, when looking back quickly he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Philza eyes glanced down seeing Dream's sword in his chest, Phil's eyes widen seeing the sword through his chest.

Blood seeped through his clothing staining them, the drop was dripping down the sword and some blood going onto Dream's hand. The god pulled the sword out, making the angel fall blood making his clothes darker due to the wound gushing more blood out. Techno looked over at Phil seeing him fall, His eyes widen seeing Phil fall before that bastard god. His eyes flicker to blood-red as the voices in his head demanded Blood and death for once he agrees with the voices in his head, he stabs Sapnap in the stomach as he pearled to Dream Kicking them in the stomach as he growled. Both gods going at it for a while swords clashing over and over, until The god of Manhunt fled and Grabbed Sapnap quickly fledging with them.

Techno runs towards Phil, getting on his knees quickly ripping his shirt sleeve off and placing it over Phil wound pressing it down trying to stop the blood. He panicking trying to save his Angel... God, he was panicking so much, he was so worried focusing his eyes on the wound he didn't see Phil placing his hand on Techno's cheek. His hands were shaking so much, Techno looked over to Phil making a worried face at him "Tech, it's going be ok," Techno felt anger in him rose, and looked off to the side and back to Phil "Phil Stop, I'm not losing you.." Phil heard those words he softly smiled at Techno rubbing his cheek, he was dying yet kept smiling at his only god.

Techno had tears prick on the edges of his eyes, he just prays and pled he wouldn't die tears falling down his cheeks. Phil moved the hair away from Techno's face and kept rubbing his cheek, he kept one hand on his wound and used his other hand to hold Philza's hand on his cheek. "It will be ok mate, cheer up... You will be ok," he kept smiling as tears rolled down his cheeks then Techno felt Phil's hand lose as Phil was going limp already. Phil was now dead, Techno looked at Phil holding his hand tighter, "Phil! WAKE UP!" He pled, yet nothing he cried out, picking up Phil holding him close to his chest. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you.."

His shaky voice talked once more, "I couldn't even say I love you, Here I am saying now" He looked at Phil's face smiling softly rubbing the angel's cheek, "Philza, my angel of death I fell in love with you, when you first came. I was scared to tell you how I feel about you, here I am telling you... I love you so much, my angel." Techno kissed Phil's forehead softly and looked at him holding him closely, rubbing his cheek still. "Rest well my love and Angel."

mmmmmmmmmmmm Suffer my followers and viewers~
Here something to cheer you up


"It will be ok mate, cheer up... You will be ok," he kept smiling as tears rolled down his cheeks then Techno felt Phil's hand lose as Phil was going limp already. Phil was now dead, Techno looked at Phil holding his hand tighter, "Phil! WAKE UP!" He pled, yet nothing he cried out, picking up Phil holding him close to his chest. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you.." Phil opens his eyes and yawned looking at Techno "Let me sleep!!!!!" Techno looked at Phil and Laughed and So did Phil. The narrator looked at them both "HEY STICK To THe script!" Both of the lovers laughed and nodded.

As they said the angel was here, once he saw this angel his eyes couldn't leave the angel. The angel had black wings and all the angels have all-white wings here, maybe that's why they call him the Angel of death cause his wings are black. The angel stood a few feet away from the stairs that lead to his throne, he then bows to the gods then he heard him speaking "What~? Like what you see Techno~" Techno choked on air and coughed a lot, Ranboo laughed as so did Phil "Hahahah! Oh my god, Phil why!" Ranboo laughed out and Phil just kept laughing, Technoblade was blushing. The narrator looked at all three "This isn't flirting, it's a depressing story" Quackity came in and threw his shirt off "NOT ANYMORE ITS A SEXY PARTY!" The narrator looked at Quackity "BITCH YOU NOT IN THE STORY!" The narrator threw his book at Quackity hitting his head.

Blood seeped through his clothing staining them, the drop was dripping down the sword and some blood going onto Dream's hand. The god pulled the sword out, making the angel fall blood making his clothes darker due to the wound gushing more blood out. Phil Look at Dream and Dream looked at Phil Then both said "WILL(My real name as the narrator) THE FAKE BLOOD THING BROKE AGAIN!" The narrator looked at them "HOW?! Orangeza just fixed it!" They both shrugged as the narrator smack his own head.

Hope you guys like the bloopers and the Angst story

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