Philza x Underwear

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Philza was working around the house while his partner was away, as he was working around the house he started to clean things up and just have everything nice and clean since a bit of a clean freak when the house gets dirty. As he was picking up stuff of the ground and moving them to the trash or the sink he looked at the sink before sighing. The sink was over filled from last night he said to himself, groaning in annoyance a bit he calmed down and turned on the water and started to working on the dishes, getting soap on the sponge and cleaning the dishes. As he was washing off the soap off the bowl he got the outside and the inside as he make sure got all the water out but he didnt really and spilt water on his pants and drenched his pants and a bit of his shirt.

He turns off the water and walked upstairs and went to their share bedroom with their partner, he took off his wet pants and his wet boxers and walked up to the drawer and looked around for underwear of his; but didnt see any of his. He looked at his partner side and grabbed his underwear just to wear for now, he walked over to the bed and sat down as he was about to put it on he kinda had a idea? He glanced before bring the underwear up to his face and sniffed it, it smelled like his partner (yes the underwear is clean) he glanced around again before holding the underwear up to his nose and shivers went down his spine.

He just glanced again around a few times before grasping his own cock and started to jerk it causing the bird to moan while sniffing more of his partner underwear causing him to get more hard for the smell. He started to jerk faster and grasping harder causing him to bite on the underwear moaning louder, whimpers left his mouth and loud moans before he felt precum go down their hand he was getting closer as he did, he threw his head back a bit before cumming whimpering and chirping.

His eyes were shut closed panting catching his own breath, once his breathing was calm he clean himself up and put on his partner underwear and new pair of pants and started to work again around the house; pretending that never happen and kept it a secret from his partner.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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