Chapter Twenty

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Three weeks till my due date and we are finally having the gender reveal. We were going to have it a couple of months ago but every time we planned on doing it some of us would either get sick, or a car would break down. It's like the universe didn't want us to. 

We are finally at the reveal. Everyone is either in pink or blue and we are all playing cute games and sharing little moments. I've taken so many pictures with everyone. Alex and I are team blue. Hayden, Drew and Josh are team pink. 

"Alright, so we can open the gifts first then find out the gender. I didn't do anything dangerous, Promise." She says with a laugh towards my way. 

Hayden and I started to open gifts and share what we got. We got plenty of bottles, diapers, wipes, clothes, and more. 

"Sorry I forgot to put mine in the pile." Hayden's mom says giving me a little box. 

When I open it is a small charm bracelet that already has two gems. 

"Each woman of the Young family gets a bracelet. You get a charm for every important event. Since you're about to have the baby you have a crib. I also put a Y on there for you joining the Young family." 

"Awe I love it!" I say giving her a big hug. 

"Cake time!" Clary says excitedly. 

Everyone records us as we cut into the cake. Hayden and I close our eyes while pulling the slice out. Everyone starts to get really excited making us open our eyes. 


I jump into Hayden's arms excitedly. "OMG," I say happy with the biggest smile. 

"We're having a boy!" Hayden says happily giving me a kiss. 

"Do you have a name?" Tina, Hayden's mom asks happily. 

"You will have to wait till the baby is born." As if on cue and the most cliche moment in life. My water breaks. "Which happens to be not much longer." 

"Shit. The bags in the car, come on." He says helping me into the car. 

"It's like he waited till we introduced him and was like okay, I'm ready." I say with a little laugh

"You said you wanted him out," Hayden says with a laugh. 

"Now I'm nervous," I tell him. "Damn this is going to be so painful." 

That makes him nervously laugh and we take off driving as everyone piles into the car. Well, everyone but Drew, said he would clean up and make sure everyone leaves safely. 

After seventeen long hours of labor, we welcomed a healthy 6.9-pound baby boy, 20 inches long. Mr. Elijah Nicholas Young.


We allowed everyone into the room once the baby was born to meet Elijah. Hayden cried big time. I don't know if it was because he was happy or I squeezed his hand too hard. 

Hayden was holding the baby, sitting on the bed by my feet talking to his dad. All I can do is stare at the two of them in pure happiness. These boys. The loves of my life, I couldn't ask for anything more. 

"Whatcha thinking about Mama," Hayden asks looking over at me. 

"Our family," I say reaching my arms out for Elijah. Hayden slips him into my arms and gives me a smile. 

I scoot over as much as I can for him to sit next to us in the bed. Don't worry we asked to have the sheets changed already. Luckily I didn't poop or anything. 

"He is so cute!" Tina says happily looking at the three of us. 

"He is," I say looking at him with pure love. His little eyes staring up at me, his fingers wrapped around my thumb as I rub his forehead. 

"Alright, guys let's give mommy enough time to get rest and feed the baby." The nurse says sending everyone home. 


Thank god Elijah latched on easily. Tina scared me a little with the story of Hayden not latching. Not that it's a horrible thing, I just wanted to breastfeed. 

"God I can't get over the fact that he is here," Hayden says watching as I change his diaper and put him in his to-go clothes. 

We finally get to go home. The boys finished putting the nursery together by putting away the clothes and diapers from the party. "Come on, I want to go home," I tell him asking him to help me get Elijah ready. 

We get into the car and drive home, the boys are waiting for us with take out food. I am so hungry but so tired. 

Once we get home I put Elijah in his crib and put on a monitor for him. Hayden and I relax on the couch getting up when we need to with Elijah. Even Alex helped take care of him. 

"Babe, go to bed. You're exhausted." Hayden says, trying to take Elijah out of my arms. It's currently two in the morning. 

"He is hungry, just let me feed him. Sit with me." I tell him, patting the bench in his room. 

"You know we have another three months of waking up every three to four hours right?" He says. "You're going to have to let me help." 

"I know," I tell him before burping him and handing him to Hayden.

"I'll meet you in bed." Giving me a kiss goodnight.

I lay down and listen to Hayden over the monitor talking to Elijah. 

"Your mom is the strongest person I have ever met Elijah. She is beautiful, kind, and loves you so much. You're going to be such a mommy's boy." He says making me smile. 

"I promise I won't let you grow up without a sibling either. I'll make sure you get at least one." 

He laughs a little making me roll my eyes. "Goodnight baby." 

Hayden joins me in bed with a smile, pulling me into him as he lays down. "You'll make sure he has another sibling?" I ask him with a smirk. 

"Yeah, I want more." He says giving me a kiss on the shoulder. 

"We are waiting a little bit. At least two years." I told him.

"If you say so." He says with a sigh making me laugh. 

"I'm serious Hayden, I want to focus on Elijah first. Maybe in a year or two." 

"I know, I'm just messing around. Goodnight." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek before closing his eyes. 

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