Chapter Seventeen

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I am now five months pregnant and let me just tell you how it is. I am huge. So huge. My feet are swollen. I am crabby and always hungry. Hayden thinks it is funny but I honestly am so close to killing him. 

"Babe, I need to shower can you get me a towel from the laundry room?" I yell out to Hayden who is putting clothes in the dryer. 

"Can I join?" He yells back. 

"If you help me then yes," I yell back at him while grabbing my clothes. 

Hayden walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. Pulling my back to his chest. "Hello, little baby." He says while rubbing my stomach. 

"You know we have yet to tell your parents Hayden. I think we should tell them today." 

"Alright, I will call them after we shower." He says before grabbing my towel and pulling me into the bathroom with him. 


We are on our way to his parent's house and Hayden is freaking out. I mean so am I but Hayden is literally shaking. 

"Hey calm down. It's okay."

"I just don't want them to hate me."

"Your parents could never hate you, Hayden," I told him giving him a kiss to calm his nerves. "Let's go." 

Hayden goes around the side of the truck and helps me down. Being pregnant with a truck doesn't work well. We go up to the door and knock and his dad opens the door. 

"Hayden, Evelyn, what are you guys doing here?" He asks before looking at us again. 

When his eyes hit me he looks down a little and his eyes widen. "Let me get your mother. Go ahead and sit on the couch." He says opening the door for us. 

We sit on the couch and from the way I am sitting you can definitely see my stomach. "Stop shaking your leg. You are making me nervous." I tell him laughing a little to cover my nervousness. 

"Hi guys what made you come to visit us!" His mom says sitting on the couch across from us. 

"Evelyn is pregnant," Hayden says quickly. 

"I thought you guys were using protection!" His mom says shocked.

"We were. We just forgot once. Please don't be mad." I say softly. 

"Oh sweetie, we are not mad. Shocked but not mad." His mom says standing up to give me a hug. 

"How did Alex take it?" His dad asked with a little smile. 

"Oh, he was mad for sure. But I think he is excited to be an uncle." Hayden says with a chuckle. 

"How far are you sweetie?" His mom asks looking at my stomach. 

"I am five months." 

"You kept this from us for five months!" She yells but softly. 

"We didn't know how to tell you," Hayden says rubbing the back of his neck. "Plus I was scared." 

"Well do you have a picture? Do you know the sex?" 

I hand her the picture from our last ultrasound. "We don't know the sex yet. We kind of don't want to see yet." I tell her. 

"I'm going to to have a third grand baby. Oh my." She says standing up and giving me another hug. "If you have any questions or concerns you can ask me, sweetheart. I know you don't have much guidance when it comes to this. Alex can only do so much." 

"Thank you," I say giving her a little squeeze. 

"I want updates, Hayden." She says pulling him into a hug. 

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