Chapter Ten

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We get out of the car and Hayden gets a box of things out of the trunk before we head into the house. 

"Mom I'm Here," Hayden says pretty loudly as we walk into the house. 

"My baby!" She yells walking to us. "Oh, Evelyn look at how beautiful you are. What are you doing here!" She says pulling me into a hug. 

"I just came with Hayden since he had to drop off a few things," I tell her with a smile. 

"Where's dad?" Hayden asks. 

"He is in the kitchen come on." She says having us follow her into the kitchen. 

"Hayden nice to see you." His dad Ryan says with a smile. "Evelyn what a surprise. I haven't seen you in years. What are you doing hanging out with Hayden." He says teasing Hayden. 

"Well, she is my girlfriend. She is kinda stuck hanging out with me."

"Girlfriend?" His parents asked surprised.  

"How did you get him to do that." His dad asks shocked. 

"You guys had no faith in me?" He says grabbing two bottles of water out of the fridge and handing me one. 

"I brought all the photo albums for you guys." He tells his parents taking a seat at the counter with me and his mom. 

"Thank you, baby." 

Hayden and his dad get into a conversation as his mom starts talking to me. 

"How did you get Hayden to settle down." 

"I'm not too sure he has settled down yet. He is changing though." I tell her. 

"You guys are using protection right?" She asks all of a sudden making me choke on the water I was drinking. 

"Mom!" Hayden says with a laugh.

"What?" She says putting her hands in the air. "I don't want to be a grandma yet. So are you?" 

"Mom I'm always safe." He says looking uncomfortable. 

"Good." She says. 

His parents have always been the ones to say whatever was on their minds. They seem to never have a filter in their heads. It's usually funny during most conversations. 

"Did you guys want to stay for dinner? We are making pasta." Ryan says after taking a drink of his drink. 

I nod at Hayden making him tell them yes. "I'm going to show Evelyn, my old room." 

"Alright make sure you are down by six." 

Hayden and I head to his old bedroom and I look around. He has a bunch of photos of him and the boys. Sports stuff and music. 

I lay onto his bed and feel a little disappointed. "This bed sucks," I tell him with a laugh. 

"I swear you are only with me for my beds." He says climbing on top of me. 

"Damn you found out my secret," I say with a fake sigh. Holding in my laugh. 

"I'll just have to make you love me then." He says kissing my neck. 

"Well, you are doing a horrible job," I tell him with a smirk. 

"Oh, really?" He says before putting his hands to my sides giving me a knowing look. 

"Don't you dare!" I tell him knowing he is going to try and tickle me. 

"Too late." He says before tickling my sides making me squirm underneath him. 

"Stop it!" I scream before laughing really hard. 

"I will never stop." He says laughing. His laugh is amazing. This is one of the times Hayden lets his playful goofy side out. 

Hayden stops giving my lips a kiss. "I love you." He whispers against them. 

I give him another kiss. "I love you too," I tell him. 

"I can't believe Alex forgave us." He says rolling off of me but pulling me in to cuddle. 

"I know. But I'm glad he did. I wouldn't have wanted to pick sides." 

"I wouldn't have made you pick a-side." 

"Thank you,"  I tell him moving my face into his chest. 

"You're cute." He says gripping me tighter. 

"You're cuter." 

"Don't call me cute." He says tickling my side softly. 

"I will bite you," I tell him looking him in the eyes. 

"Kinky." He says winking at me. 

I roll my eyes before moving my head back into his chest. I'm not sure when or how but I ended up falling asleep. 

"Evie wake up." He says giving me kisses all over my face. 

"No," I tell him hiding my face from him. 

"Come on we got to go eat dinner. Remember with my parents." 

"Oh, I forgot." I quickly sit up and fix my hair. 

We head down to the table where Ryan and Nancy are waiting. 

"Sorry, sleepyhead didn't want to wake up." He says moving my chair for me to sit in. 

"Oh hush," I tell him sticking my tongue at him. 

"Now how did you guys start dating." His mom asks. 

"Well we were at a party and we kinda just became official without realizing," I tell her with a smile. 

"And then we kept it secret for a while. Alex found out and we weren't friends till about two days ago." 

"Alex never trusted you near her. Ever since you guys were little." Ryan says with a laugh. "You would always try to hug, kiss, or hold hands with Evelyn when she was little and Alex would always yell at you." 

"It was cute. You would always help protect her. We never thought this would actually happen." Nancy says happily. 

"Well, I'm glad it did," Hayden says grabbing my hand giving it a squeeze. 

After dinner, we went back to his place and got ready for bed. 

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