Chapter Twenty-Two

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I wake up before the boys do and jump in the shower. Today is Elijah's birthday party and we have a lot of setting up to do. I start setting up right away putting up the decorations and moving furniture for everyone is going to be. My plan is to have all decorations put up before the boys wake up. 

As I'm putting the last one up I hear Elijah talking from his room. With a smile, I head into his room and grab him. "Good morning baby. Let's go wake up daddy." 

I climb onto the bed with Elijah sitting right next to Hayden. "Say wake up daddy," I tell Elijah setting him down beside me that way he is in between us. 

"Hi, baby," Hayden says giving Eli a kiss and looking up at me. 

"So, I need you to get him ready while I make breakfast and start his cake. Do you want to shower?" 

"Are you going to join me?" He asks sitting up and playing with Eli. 

"Not enough time. But if you get him ready and we might have enough time after breakfast?" I tell him with a wink and head to the kitchen. 

I make our egg, bacon, and potato breakfast all while putting his cake in the oven. I've gotten really used to making meals in the house. Since I am technically the stay-at-home mom I figured it could help. 

"Alright we are both ready for the day, someone is extremely hungry." He says putting the bib on Eli setting him in the high chair. 

"I bet. I'll bring the food to the table can you get drinks?" I ask him while putting plates at the table. 

He nods before making his way over to me and giving me a soft kiss. "I love you." 

"I love you too. You are in a good mood today." 

"What can I say? I got an amazing fiance and an adorable son." He takes a seat at the table and starts giving Elijah some food. "I'm just happy." 

"Well, I'm glad we are making you happy. I got to frost the cake still and you need to wrap the presents. Everyone will be here in about two hours and pizza will be here about a half-hour after." 

"I'm so glad you are a planner. I'd be lost trying to plan this. You know my mom would kill me if I just got a cake and said done." 

"Well good thing I'm here. I am going to finish the cake real quick. Do you want to put him in the playpen while you wrap gifts?" 

"Will do Mama," He says before coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Do you think we have twenty minutes to spare?" 

"You're horrible, our son's first birthday and you just want to have sex," I say with a gasp. 

"What can I say, I just want to practice for the next one." He says making me laugh and smack his chest. 

"Like I said horrible. Go wrap the gifts." 

About fifteen minutes later his cupcakes and cake are done and all the decorations are put up. I've been keeping a secret from everyone, once Eli makes a mess of his outfit by eating his cake I will be putting him in his new outfit. Which says 'The best big brother ever. And there you go. I am pregnant again. No, we haven't planned it, but this time it's not a drunken miracle. 

The first people to arrive are Josh and his girlfriend Mary, who by the way is the cutest thing ever. She has a daughter who is now two and is such an amazing person. 

"Hi, guys!" I say giving them a hug and giving Josh a kiss on the cheek. 

"Anna has a gift for Elijah," Josh says making Mary's daughter Anna hand me a gift. 

"Why thank you, sweetheart! The boys are in the living room if you want to join we will have lunch and cake in about thirty minutes." 

More people started to arrive including Drew, Hayden's parents, Alex, and Clary who I believe is dating my brother now. Once we all ate we were ready for cake and ice cream. 

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Elijah. Happy Birthday to you!" We all sang as I bring out his little cake. 

Hayden brought everyone cupcakes and ice cream as we all watch Elijah stuff handfuls of cake into his face. 

"Let's go get you cleaned up," Hayden says grabbing Elijah out of the high chair. 

"For anyone who needs them napkins are on the counter and baby wipes are by the tv if needed. I will take him to get cleaned up if you want to clean up everything?" I ask Hayden giving him a kiss on the cheek while taking Eli from him. 

Taking him to the bathroom I get him all cleaned up and get him in his new outfit. To say I am nervous would be an understatement. I carry him to Alex and hand him over. Hayden and I opened the presents letting Eli play with a few things here or there. 

"What's his shirt say?" Tina asks while looking over at Elijah. 

"Does it matter?" Hayden asks confused. Looking at Alex who is holding Eli. 

"Oh my god." She says looking at me and smiling. 

"Okay, what is the big deal about the shirt. Alex, what does it say?" Hayden asks getting even more confused. 

Alex turns Eli towards Hayden and pulls the shirt where you can read it. Hayden takes a moment to read it and immediately turns to me. 

"You're pregnant?" He asks with a smile on his face. 

I nod with a smile, "Just over a month." 

Hayden rushes over to me and kisses me softly in between giving me hugs. "Another one?" He asks happily. 

"Yep, guess we didn't need to practice," I whisper into his ear with a laugh. 

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