Chapter Sixteen

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We were able to get an appointment for three days. Hayden and I just got back from it and we are indeed pregnant. We won't know the gender for another month or two but that's okay. We decided that we would turn his office into the baby's room. Till we decided to move sometime in the future.

Our relationship has gotten better surprisingly. Considering it has definitely gone fast. Trust me if someone told me I was going to be pregnant at eighteen I would've laughed and said bye. It's about six o'clock and the boys are coming over for dinner. Which was last minute.

 "What do you want for dinner?" Hayden asks going to the fridge.

"I don't care. You pick."

I just wonder how Alex is going to take it. 

We are sat down at the table eating the hamburgers that Hayden made.

"This is nice and all but why so last minute?" Josh asks taking a bite of his food.

"So we kind of have some news," Hayden says smiling.

"Are you getting married?" Alex asks.

"No, not yet. Um, there is gonna be another person joining the group." I tell them standing up grabbing another water bottle out of the fridge.

"Who? Clary?" Alex asks confused. Looking at me in the eyes. 

I walk back to the table and get out the picture of the ultrasound setting it in front of Alex before sitting back down. 

"No not Clary. They are going to join," I say instinctively putting a hand on my stomach. 

"What's this?" Alex asks looking at the photo. Confusion and shock on his face. 

"Oh shit, that's a baby," Josh says looking over at the photo.

Alex looks up, the photo still in his hands. He looks at me to Hayden to me again. "You're pregnant?" 

"I am," I say taking a sip of my water. 

"You got my sister pregnant!" He says louder towards Hayden. 

"It wasn't on purpose Alex. But yes I did. And I am going to stay and help take care of our child. I'm not going to ditch. Guess we are officially family." He says with a nervous laugh. 

"I don't know if I am excited or mad," Alex said looking back at the photo. A slight smile on his face. 

"We won't know if it is a girl or boy for a month or so, but you're gonna be an uncle. All of you are. You are family." I tell them giving Hayden a squeeze on the thigh. 

"Uncle Josh is gonna spoil them!" 

"Drew no teaching them bad things," Hayden says seriously. 

The boys start arguing about stupid stuff while making fun of each other at the same time. I lean back in my chair and look at them in content. I have an amazing family. And they might not be by blood but they are the best family I could ask for. Bringing a baby into this equation is going to be fun and stressful. Only because I feel like I am a mom to the boys already. 

"You okay?" Hayden asks giving my temple a kiss. 

"I'm okay. I'm just happy." I told him, giving him a smile. "When the furniture gets here can you guys help Hayden put it together?" I ask them. 

"Of course we will. God, I can't believe you are having a baby. I'm gonna be an uncle." Alex says happily giving the photo back.

We finish dinner laughing and joking with each other. The boys leave after dinner and me and Hayden end up going to bed around midnight. 

We're currently laying in bed snuggling in bed. "You do realize I'm gonna get really fat, emotional, and annoying. I won't be able to shave without help. Sleep on certain sides." I say rambling off everything that is going to happen. 

"Evelyn. I don't care. You aren't going to be fat. You're pregnant. You are already emotional and annoying so I can handle it." He says smirking. 

"Ah!" I say smacking him.

"Kidding babe." He says giving me a kiss. "Hey on a different note. We don't have to have protected sex for the next nine months." 

"I'll let you know when I am in the mood," I say with a laugh at how excited he is. 

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