Chapter Four

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I wake up to an empty bed and stretch out all my muscles before getting up and walking to the bathroom to shower.  I quickly jump in and wash my body knowing I have to go to work today. Friday nights are always the worst nights to work. Customer wise I always get the touchy-feely boys. 

I take my clothes and get dressed quickly before I head down the stairs. "Alex, can you pick me up from work today?" I said plopping down on the couch beside him. 

"Yeah I will when do you get off?" He asks me focusing only on his game that he is playing Hayden and Drew. "Drew what the fuck cover me." 

"I get off at 3 am. It's karaoke night." I say rolling my eyes. Karaoke night is horrible. Everyone thinks they are the shit and have the best voice when really they sound like a dying squirrel. 

"Maybe we can go for a drink later?" Josh asks Alex. 

"Evelyn doesn't like me there. Says she gets nervous." Alex says looking at me with his tongue out. 

The real reason I do not want him there is that my outfit there is not completely covering and the customers they sometimes are a little touchy. Alex would fight everyone in his path to make sure I wasn't treated like that. Usually, I would leave with my real outfit in a bag that way he wouldn't see it. 

"Alright, I'm going to go relax and get ready for work. Adam is picking me up." I tell Alex. Before leaving the room I make eye contact with Hayden basically telling him to meet me upstairs. 

I head up to the bathroom to grab my make up. Hayden walks into the room closing the door behind him. "Why'd you want me up here?" He asks looking towards me. 

"I just wanted to see you before I went to work," I say going closer to him. 

I kiss him slowly on the lips making his arms wrap around my waist pulling me close. The scent of his cologne instantly filling my nose as we are pushed up together. Our lips moving together making me smile a little. 

"God, you're killing me." He whispers keeping his forehead against mine. 

"Now you feel how I have for years," I tell him giving him one last kiss. 

"Trust me I wouldn't have waited if I didn't have to.  You were fourteen you didn't know what relationships were. At least not a serious one. I wasn't really relationship material either." He says smirking at me. 

"You are for sure a player. That's what Alex is going to be the most pissed about." 

"We need to tell him." He tells me giving me another kiss. 

"We will just not yet." 

We finally left the room and I got ready for work. Leaving with Adam on his bike to the bar. Throughout the night it wasn't too bad till Alex and the boys walked in taking a seat at the big table in the corner. 

"Is that Evelyn?" I hear across the room as all the boys look at me. 

I continue making drinks for the boys in front of me making sure I am smiling which gets me better tips.

"You going to get your brother's table?" Adam asks. 

"Yeah I already know what they are going to order," I say rolling my eyes. I make the drinks and head to the table looking probably a little mad. 

"What the fuck kind of shirt is that!" Alex says all big brotherly. 

"It's a uniform," I tell them before sliding into the booth taking a little break. 

"You're boobs are basically hanging out." He says looking around the bar. 

"She looks hot." Drew says with a shrug. "I'd tip her." Making Alex kick him under the table. 

"Look I told you not to come here," I say before getting out of the booth. "I got to go back to work. I only got about thirty minutes left." 

The boys stayed till I got off and closed up with Adam. Everyone left after we closed except Hayden who was waiting for me. 

"Alright bye babe see you next week," Adam says giving me a hug as I leave. 

I walk up to Hayden read to leave. 

"Babe?" He asks referring to what Adam called me. 

"He's gay," I tell him before he starts worrying. I give his cheek a kiss before looking back at Adam.

"Be careful," I tell him before walking out of the bar. "Now where we going home?" 

"I was thinking we could go to my place?" He asks as we get into the car. 

I look over at him quickly kind of shocked at the fact that he said that. "Alex would get suspicious." 

"Tell him you are going to Clary's house or something. Come on I want a night to ourselves without worrying about Alex." He says putting his hand out on my thigh. 

"Alright, let's go," I say giving him hand a squeeze before he heads to his house. 

I ended up going home in the morning which Hayden dropped me off a block away from my house. 

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