Chapter Twenty-One

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Waking up every two hours for the first three months was exhausting but Hayden and I did really well actually. It's been about eleven months since Elijah was born and damn has a lot of things changed. We moved into a bigger house with a backyard. It's only about five minutes away from Alex. 

I wake up to the sound of music playing downstairs and an empty bed. Rolling out of it I stretch and head to Elijah's room. Which is also empty, deciding to head downstairs I see in the living room Elijah sitting playing with toys and Hayden is working on the couch. 

"Good morning cuties," I say while picking up Elijah and giving him kisses on the face while sitting down next to Hayden. 

Elijah giggles and plays with my necklace while I look at Hayden. 

"Good morning babe. " He says giving me a kiss on the lips before typing away on his computer. 

"What time are you going to be done with work today? Also, did Elijah eat already?" 

"In about thirty minutes, also yes he already had breakfast and lunch."

I give him a kiss on the cheek and stand up with Elijah. "We are going to get ready for the day. You finish up and then all of us are going to see Alex." 

I put us both in adorable matching outfits and fix up my hair and his. It took about 40 minutes to get us both ready and pack a diaper bag. 

"Alright, you ready to go? We are going to meet everyone at the picnic." 

I nod and give him everything to take to the car. "I will put him in the car seat." 

As we pull up to the park which is surprisingly calm today, we see everyone already setting up. I grab Elijah and start walking to everyone. 

"Elijah!" Alex yells running to me and stealing my child. Alex runs off to the blanket with a giggling Elijah bouncing around. 

"Thanks for leaving me at the car babe," Hayden says after setting everything down. 

"Oh, you are welcome." I say back which makes him roll his eyes with a smile. He sits down on the blanket across from alex and pulls me down with him. Giving me a kiss on the lips. 

"So has he started talking or walking yet," Clary asks. 

"He said dada about two weeks ago. Evie isn't happy about that." Hayden tells them with a laugh. 

"No, he is supposed to say mama first," I tell them with a pout. "Now someone keep an eye on him, he is bound to start walking and I'm not missing it. We've been trying for the past week to see if he will walk. I have a feeling it will be today." 

"We will keep an eye out," Josh says with a laugh watching Elijah crawl around. 

"Can we eat? I am so hungry." Alex asks before standing up and grabbing his food. 

We all got a plate of food and started eating. I slowly gave Elijah some food to snack on and he seemed to be having the time of his life. I noticed Josh taking photos of all of us which I am very grateful for. 

"Oh hey on the twentieth which is a Saturday we are going to have a birthday party for Elijah if you guys want to join." Hayden lets them know out of nowhere. 

"We will be there," Josh says reaching for Eli to come to him. He is currently standing in between my legs holding onto my fingers. 

"Go on, walk to uncle Josh," I say somewhat helping him take a step towards Josh. 

And with that he let go slowly, wobbling with each movement he makes, takes his first step. Then another and another. Before he goes into Josh's arms. 

"Oh my god!" I say happily with a smile. 

"And I got that on video. You are welcome, Evie." Drew says from where he is sitting. 

"You are the best!" I tell him happily. 

"Do you want to go for a small walk?" Hayden whispers into my ear giving my cheek a soft kiss. 

I nod and start to stand up. "Can you guys watch him for a couple of minutes please?" 

Hayden and I start walking near the pond. He grabs my hand as we are walking making me smile. "I love you," I told him giving him a kiss on his hand. 

He stops still and smiles. "I love you too." He grabs my other hand making me face him too. He pulls me to a grassy area and smiles at me. 

"So you know how last year we mentioned our little plan. Moving into a new house, having mini versions of us, and getting married? Well, I think we are only missing one of those things now. Evelyn, I love you. I have always loved you since we were little, although we took forever to get together, I am so glad it happened."

 He suddenly gets on one knee making me smile and start to freak out. "You gave me something to look forward to every day, I get to wake up and see you and Elijah every morning and I never want to change that. So Evelyn will you let me officially make you a part of the Young family and be my wife?"

I smile down at him and nod. "Of course!" 

Pulling him close to me giving him a kiss happily. He slides a beautiful ring onto my hand and kisses me again. 

"That was so cringy," I tell him with a laugh. 

"You said you wanted romantic, something from a movie." He says with a shrug. 

We walk back over to the group with all of them hugging and congratulating us. 

"Congrats!" Clary yells giving me the biggest hug. 

"Thank you," I say laughing as she lets go. 

I reach down and pick up Eli giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Hi, baby." 

"Mama," He says during his many little mumbles. 

"Hayden did you hear that! He said, Mama." I say turning towards Hayden seeing him already staring at us smiling. 

After another hour we all decided to go home, by the time we made it home it was about six in the evening. Eli's bedtime is eight which means we have enough time for dinner and bath time. Hayden and I made chicken, carrots, and rice. Elijah is a huge fan of carrots so it has almost become a weekly thing. 

Finally, after bath time, Eli ends up going to sleep leaving Hayden and me alone. 

"Wanna Celebrate?" Hayden asks pulling me into the bedroom. 

"Is this your way of asking me to have sex with you? Because honestly, that sucked." I tell him with a slight smirk. 

"Oh shut up." He says before pushing me onto the bed and climbing on top of me. You know where that all leads too. 

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