Chapter 24: "It's Not Like This is Any Better"

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They sprinted back to the wall of Shields. Out of breath and exhausted, they fell down. But they couldn't rest. A slaughter was coming their way. With the metallic blood test in their mouth, they got up and drew swords.

The faint sound of TNT was heard back. And all at once, 6 stacks of TNT were launched in the air as they travelled. Hundreds of blocks. Replacing the opposition with craters and the loss of life.

Alex and Steve, opted to leave. Just them on a flying machine at the top of the world boundary. Steve knew how to make it, Mark and John helped them gather slime and redstone blocks. The design simple utilising observers and sticky pistons. And off they went. Sky high hoping that they don't get shot down or worse, phantoms. For obvious reasons they couldn't place beds so it was only a matter of nights before phantoms would swoop down with the intention of murder.

And other risk was the possibility of a mountain as tall as the world border in their way as well as falling off.

In the first night, Steve asked, "What were you doing. You know before you got trapped in?"

"I was procrastinating. I think I can't really remember." She said with a sigh."All I can see is the souls I took away."

"Hey, we had to do it. They would of done it to us." Steve tried to comfort. But he also felt down.

"To the edge of the world right?" Alex randomly asked.

"Yep. To avoid getting mixed up from the off chance that our friends would come back."

"What if they never come back. As long as their game doesn't get updated, they'd be stuck there?"

Steve chuckled, "It's not like this is any better."

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