Chapter 8: Consequences

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"What the hell happened!" Alex shouted.
"The clock tower blew up" Steve replied like nothing happened.

"What why!?"

"The theif was there. The world's best robber whom done their first crime at 13 yet wasn't every caught. He murdered the people whom were attempting to catch him"

Alex was in shock with the rest of the citizens. No one knew about the bomb.
The general of the armed forces tried to calm things down but was futil. Everyone wanted to know why and how the clock tower exploded. It was the tallest structure made of strong materials. It took 4 years to build the whole thing.
Eventually everyone went inside.

A meeting was immediately held in the cop. Inc Tower. It was half the size of the tower and took 1 year to make. Every high ranking official was called in including all the humans that were trapped in this awful world.

They all gathered at the top. Every facility leader in the tower was called.

"So we all heard about the explosion. We've also seen the public reaction. For now it's calm but in the morning we would have a different story" Steve started off. "What should we do?"

"We should blame an escape goat. We can't tell that we planted a bomb in the most iconic landmark and blew it to smithereens!" The general suggested.

"I like where your coming from. Telling people the truth isn't the correct course but we would put them in fear" the head of construction added.

They talked about what they should do for a couple hours until a final decision came.
They would say that a threat had just blew up the clock tower. This threat is of course fake. They would also say that they done this to cripple us from the inside by making it look like the leaders did this for some reason. This was justified as no one was harmed but the figure and a few fantoms in the sky.

The sun rose above the blocky clouds. As expected, a crowd protested about what happened. The lie that Steve told had worked. He added that groups would be scouting the enemy and that a task force was made. This was false but believable. There were a few suspicious people but no mind was paid to them.

After the lie, an other meeting with the head of construction and general, the plan to rebuild the clock tower was made. Only the top was obliterated so it was the same design.

After that Andrew talked with the head of agriculture about plans to build crops in the sky. This would mean higher surplus so the city can expand.
Jerry talked to the general about replacing stone brick walls with obsidian to further the defence under the impression of protecting against the enemy. Anything big wouldn't need public support for a while like useing up a ton of precious obsidian.

Obsidian was hard to come by. No one wanted to go to the Nether to get lava so obsidian was very limited. The project to make portals to travel around the world and city quickly was cancelled very quickly as the Nether was a bad place. Hot, dangerous and hostile makes it hard to biuld safe portals and tunnels.

But now access to the Nether wasn't questioned by the public as it was for fighting against the enemy.

Whilst this was happening Steve was out gathering materials in the deep dark dangerous caves with Alex when a voice called called out "Hello?"

Authors note:
Sorry I have not been updating in a while I had a major case of writers block. In the mean time worked on other books that I would be uploading soon.

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