Chapter 20: Swamp

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The World was literally ahead of them. They walked on for what felt like forever. When it came night, they quickly built a house slept and moved on leaving the bed and the building there. They could and did always get more.
They were walking though a flat planes biome when Steve said, "Did you know that I can speak with villagers?"

"Nah, it's impossible to understand what they are saying" Alex responded in disbelief.

"No its true, after how ever long I've been in Minecraft, I picked up. That's how I was able to give comands back in my town."

"Well how long did it take you?"

"I don't know though I think it was 2 Earth years."

"Well it's turnimg night soon and just up ahead is a dark forest boime." Alex told, "We should make camp here before going in."

So they set a campfire, put some raw meat and fish and sat down on chairs that was actually a single stair. It slowly turned dark and a bit cold. The fire giving of what felt like a trip back home for Alex but for Steve, he gotten used to it.

A few hostile mobs spawned but were either shot down or ignored. It soon became midnight and both were fast asleep. In the morning they left into the dark oak forest which wasn't reall a forest. About 16 blocks in it ended into a swamp. A humongous swamp.

They travels on land were necessary but crossed the waters if need be. Which was alot.

"You ever watch just about any vietnam movies?" Steve asked.

"No, never interested in that kind of stuff."Alex replied.

"Well it sure seems like vietnam with the trees, vines and everything including this dirty looking water in your way."

"Well you would know"

They travelled in silence till they came across more land they could travel on.

"Wouldn't the jungle be more like veitnam?" Alex asked.

"I guess so, but it's not like we are in war are we?"

"Well not to the North Vietnamese."

"God I wish we could just fly over here with a helicopter."

They traversed the land till it came dusk. They incounted a small hut which they decided to spend the night. They had bread and and fish and went to bed.

To be woken up with a shock would be an understatement. A wich woke both up with a poison effect. Both jumped to there feet to then be hit with a instant harming potion. This also hurt the witch who started to drink an instant health potion.

Steve stopped her by tackling her to the floor. Pinning her down and talked to her. Alex didn't understand as it was in the village language.

"Yo what the hell man do you want to die!?" Steve yelled.

The witch replied with, "Well you broke into my hut, so you shall die."

"No, you. We out number and out gun you. Want to die?"

"No." The witch said quickly.

"Okay, well tell us when this swamp ends. And give us potions"

"I shall give you potions but I don't know when the swamp ends. This is the biggest swamp I know. And trust me, your only in the outskirts of it."

"What's in deeper?"

"Skeltons, more witches that aren't as compliant as me, tons of creepera and slimes."

"We can handle it."

"No you can't, deep into it, there are these creatures that were other mob heads. No mob even wants to fight them. Only a few dare but instantly get ambushed. You don't know where they are...but they know were you are. They use the unusual terrain to there advantage."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a large swamp that is mixed with jungle. Extremely large trees and bushes, you will get ambushed."

"How do I get through it?"

"Well, you can go around which takes an extremely long time, or you could fight. There is this group of people like you that are the only real opposition. Some mobs fight them but die almost instantly. They may be willing to help of you help them"

"Is that it?" Steve asked threateningly.

"No, the people in the jungle, they don't fight normally. They use tactics that I don't understand. They ambush you from behind. They wear you down. I heard of 260 mobs going through, 3 came out. They said that you don't know if there is more. You could of gotten 50 charged creepers to blow up a large portion, but you wouldn't know if they were there. They have some de-"

Steve punched him and said,"Thanks for the info, now leave is be."

"What was that?" Alex asked

"She basically said it was going to be a minecraft version of nam."

"Could I come with you?" The witch yelled at them, "I'm only a witch because I was struck by lightning. I still have a bit of villager in me. That's why I talked to you."

Steve turned and decided that it couldn't hurt and accepted the invite. The new settlement was quite far away.

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