Chapter 11: The First Fight

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Steve quickly,without producing a noise, swung his sword at Herobrine's face.He bent backwards; Alex took this opportunity to shoot her arrow at him. His quick reflexes snapped and he came up straight again grabbed Steve's wrist and threw him on to Alex with great speed. Shaun used his other hand to try and cut through what seemed to be fleshy leg. Herobrine noticed and in a quick reaction got his sword and cut clean through his other arm. Blood burst out of his arm as did an other pain filled scream. Alex and Steve got up , numbed by adrenaline sprinting through their tense veins.  Herobrine counteracted the unison thrust with his somehow enchanted shield by holding it portrait. As if it was 1st nature, he pulled back and pin the shield to Alex simultaneously kicked Steve to the sandstone wall. Replacing the shield with a sword to decapitate Alex,

 He yelled, "All I wanted to do is give you a message" Before Steve shot him with an arrow through the heart.

He fell down. Not moving an inch on the hot floor. Steve and Alex both looked at Shaun. A pool of dark, thick red blood around him. They thought he was dead. Steve went to close his eyes. As he did, Shaun turned to white and grey pixel smoke and his inventory popped out replacing him.

"Wha-I-I-I n-n-NO!!" Steve cried out. The realisation that he could of help him before he died was a brick wall.

Shaun's death wasn't when they saw him. It was when his inventory popped out. Of cause... it is Minecraft. 

Just as they thought it was all over,Herobrine stood up. 

"You really thought it was that easy to kill me?"He said in a sarcastic tone." Really... You really thought that?" He broke the silence.

They both turned around. Sadness disappeared, as if it never came. However, in place of sadness, there was horror, shock and fear. He pulled out the arrow and and dropped it. A grin opened up in his face. Still with two glowing pure white eyes.

Without warning, he jumped and kicked both of them mid air on the side of their heads. Each went zooming at different parts of the desert  temple. He pulled his diamond swords out. One on each hand. 

Steve and Alex charged but were parred every time they tried to thrust or slash. And Herobrine wasn't just excellent at defending from two sides, he made  several offences which cut through the diamond armour 60% of the way before he pulled out. The exit was right in front of him .He made a beeline to the outside where he could fight comfortably. Steve and Alex followed.

Once outside, he rolled his head around his neck and jumped. He didn't fall down. He flew up a few meters above the two. Accidentally creating a shadow over the two. He replaced the two swords with one pickaxe. Holding it up to the blue sky, a bolt of hot lightning thundered down. The sky turned grey and a few drops of rain fell upon the the sand. The went away after a second.

"I just wanted to give a message" He  spoke quietly before sending a bolt of lightning to Alex.she got blasted away. Her now destroyed armour saved her. "Now you"He said.

Suddenly, an array of instant damage II arrows strike him on the back. It was Andrew, Jerry, Bont, Angle, Brandon and Adam. They all heard about something going on and followed them. They got sidetracked by a lama so arrived late.

Herobrine fell once again. This time with 6 instant damage II arrows sticking out of his back. He didn't play dead again. Sure it hurt, but not enough to kill him. He got up. The group scattered around him. Surrounding him.  He wasn't worried at all though. He just wanted to give a message.

"Now now. I just want to give you guys a message" He said calmly.

"What message?" Brandon spoke.



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