Chapter 25: The Mountain Valley Village

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All speach in this chapter is in universe in Villager

The water splashed out and dropped down to the river. The fish peacefully swam around and the bees danced around from flower to flower.
A family of rabbits hopped about as the blockly sun rose above the distant trees.

But as the river went downstream, the flowers refused to grow and the Drowned scared any fish away, Vex scored the sky just over the raised boime where a large valley formed.
The Vex decended down onto a large village as the Ravanger grunts. Its rider clutching his crossbow in one hand, and that other pointing at houses.

The Pilliger yelled out orders whilst being annoyed at how relaxed the rest were. The Vindicators busted down doors of random houses, stole the crops, emeralds tools.
Some of the foot Pilligers took out a couple Villagers and used them for target practice.
The head of this madness stood up on the church with a Cleric dangling off the edge of the building.

He was an Illusioner with his left and right hand man as Evokes on either side of him.
A Pilliger blew his mighty horn and the cluster of sound came to a halt. All the attention was on him. With one quick kick, the Cleric fell off into his early death.

The Illusioner proclaimed, "This is what happens when you don't pay your tax!"

He looked around seeing the terrified look on a group of kid's faces. With a hand gesture, they were killed.

He carried on, "Your tax has been increased due to this. My resources are needed elsewhere yet I am dealing with you. Now it's, 64 stacks of hay bay, 128 stacks of iron, 256 stacks of oak, birch and spruce logs. 512 stacks of cobblestone and half a stack of emerald blocks!"

He started to walk away as his right hand man followed him. His left hand man spoke up, "We Are leaving now! Drop everything, take a few prisoners and kill a couple high level librarians!"

The illiger army started to march away. About 1,804 blocks away was their woodland mansion deep in the dark oak forest gaurdsd by Zombies , Skeletons and a few Potrals.

Once at the mansion the Illusioner and his hand men sat at a table. Also there were a couple more Evokers and a few Illiger captains. A large map with an areal view of 7000 by 7000 was placed on the table with details about where Outposts were, the villagers that they owned and the ocean. They have been wanting to explore the seas but had to halt that to save resources.

The Illusioner asked, "How is the Outpost construction working?"

One of the captains replied, "Ahead of schedule. 2 have already been built. The last one should be finished by tomorrow."

"Good, send reinforcements out to each of them. I want 40 Ravangers, 25 Pilligers, 50 Vindicators, an Evoker and 7 Witches."

"To each of them sir?"

"Yes, is that do-able?"

"Yes sir but we'd have to divert alot of soldiers away from other Outposts and even have to get the nearest Mansion to send aid."

The Illusioner shook his head, "No no, we do not lower the defence of the other Outposts, what if they attack through there?"

His right hand man protested, "Sir Steve and Alex may not even come through the render distance of us let alone the predicted path, I feel like you are preparing f-"

"What if they do and we are unprepared?" The Illusioner cut him off. "We've all heard about them, what they are capable of. Hell they even managed to survive a mob attack by Entity 303! I am not taking any chances if they come through here which it's looking like they will, I am going to kill them!"

"Yes sir" He sheepishly replied. He looked down in embarrassment.

The Illusioner turned to his left hand man and demanded with a harsh voice, "Send a message to the next to Mansions, tell them to send 50% of their forces"

The left hand man froze in shock and stuttered a bit before replying, "Sir they will be to weak if we do this."

The Illusioner placed his left hand in his left shoulder and with a calm tone replied, "Look Gohtti"

Gohtti shivered in fear but attempted not to show it.

"Tell them to increase their numbers 5 fold to whatever it is after they send half their forces... Or I'll skin you from head to toe."

Gohtti nodded and ran out of the room. The Illusioner breathed heavily and stared at the map.

The Dark Oak Forest was well hidden and far away from the territory they controlled. Outside the forest was an extremely large plains boime with a few small oak and birch forests. A desert sat some 500 blocks away from the edge of their territory where an Outpost was located near a desert village. He glared at that Outpost.

The Illusioner spoke to his right hand man, "Buckle, send a message to Outpost 27,tell them to destroy the village, every block of it removed. Then tell them to destroy the Outpost there in a similar fashion. I want them to join up with Outpost 26."

Buckle replied, "Yes sir." He ran off in a hurry. The wooden floor creaking as each foot stepped on a block.

The Illusioner looked back at the map. Noe, 26 total Outpost surrounded the local area of the plains. They were well away from the edges of the map and all had some natrual defence accompaning them be it a river of a ravine. The small oak and birch forests sat in the middle of the circle that they created.
Also in the circle of Outposts were 8 villages they owned. The Mountain Valley Village being the outlier as it was far away from the rest of the villages in a small mountain boime.

The Illusioner clenched his fists, grined his teeth and muttered under his breath. That large village designated, Village A had its own Outpost labeled, Outpost A. It was right in the predicted path on which Steve and Alex were expected to cross.

He spoke to a captain, "Frankicc you control Village A, how is the defence there?"

"It's been reinforced like you asked for. It has 3 Ravangers, 19 Pilligers, 2 Witches, 100 Vindicators and an Evoker."

"Do you suspect that to be enough to stop the two?"

"Yes sir, I believe it should be more than enough."

"You know that if that village falls, we'd lose a very strategic place, and the only thing stopping them and the circle would be the new triple Outposts I'm building."

"Yes but I don't think it will come to that."

The Illusioner nodded before walking away alone. He stepped into a private room and closed the door. He saw a figure sitting in a chair. Holding a bottle of mundane water. He stood up.

Entity 303 looked down on the afraid Illusioner.
In a booming voice that must of shaked the blocks around them he asked, "Did you do what I asked, Zedwittous?"

Zedwittous replied with a slight shake, "Yes, I reinforced the area. If they come I doubt they'd survive." he breathed heavily before asking, "How certain are you that they'd take the path through the Mountain Valley?"

He didn't get a reply but a gut renching feeling to go away.

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