Chapter 4: Hospital

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"So doc, how is she?" asked Steven worryingly.

"Well she is slipping in and out of consciousness, but overall she is doing ok." replied the Dr Steward.

His full name being Thomas Steward. It was given via name tag as he is an NPC.

"In about 5 days she would have fully recovered as long as we give the medication frequent enough."

"Thanks" said Steven before the doctor walked away.

Walking in the room, he saw Alexandar awake on the bed. There were no heart monitors or beds that could move up and down. It was a simple white bed with red stone lamps over head. A chest next to the bed filled with bottles of water and some golden carrots. On the wall next to her were a wooden button, a stone one and a lever. The lever was for the red stone lamps. The wooden one was to turn a radio off and on while the stone would switch between the two channels.

"So, Alexandar how are you feeling?"
Asked Steven.

"Good and you can call me Alex." replied Alex to Steven

"That's great to hear, Alex."said Steve." Do you have any questions?" he followed up.

"Yeah. How does the radio work?You can't do that in Minecraft so how can you do it here? "wondered Alex.

"Well there are 2 radio stations. They have iron bars coming out of them connecting to every building. On the iron bars day light sensors are on them that 10 blocks apart. This allows a current to run through day and night. That's how it works, but without a mod or command blocks it shouldn't. But then again we shouldn't of gotten sucked in. " replied Steve, hoping that it would make sense.

"Oh, " Alex said."Well what about these cast on my legs?"

"Those are just some paper, compact ice and white wool, " answered Steve. "Now I have to go. Hopefully you get better soon. See you later, bye. " Steve said as he walked out.

"Bye" Alex responded.

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