Chapter 9: A New Civilization.

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"Who are you?" Jack asked with a cautioned tone.

"I'm Shaun. Now, whom are you?" Shaun replied.

"I'm Steve. That is Alex." Steve quickly replied with their shortened names. "Where did you come from?"

"In a desert. I walked in one direction till I found a village nearby. Then more normal people started showing up. I started exploring and now, I'm here." Shaun replied.

"Where is this said village?" Alex followed up.

"Not to far from here. Well it is far, 5069 blocks to be precise." Shaun answered. It was now Steve and Alex noticed his Irish accent.

"Well should-"Alex was cut of with a zombie groan.

She sighed and got out her diamond sword. It was enchanted with fire aspect and knock back. With two quick swings, rotten flesh popped out with some white smoke that disappeared in a second

"-head to our town, get some things and go to your place." Alex finished off her sentence.

So it was set. They climbed out the dark, dangerous cave and headed to the town.

As they were walking back, Steven thought to himself. He found it weird that this is all a game. Like in jimanj, or pixels. He had been there for so long, the world became normal. He couldn't think of the real world.

Eventually, they made it back where the walls were taller, thicker and mostly made out of obsidian.

"Wow. In an hour they did all this?" Alexandar said.

"I can't believe it" Steve said back shocked.

The inside was. I different, more guard towers were being built. There was an underground system to evacuate incase of an emergency being built right next to key locations.
It was like a new city.

Making the way back to the mansion, Jerry came up to Steve with a happy look across his face.

"Who is this?" Jerry asked.

"I'm Shaun."

"Oh like Shaun of the dead Shaun?" Jerry responded.

"Shaun of the what?" Alex asked confusingly.

"Shaun of the dead. Its a comedy." Jerry answered.

"Not ringing any bells." Alex said, still with a confused expression.

"Egar Wright directed it." Shaun said.

"Nope, I don't think I heard of it." Alex responded.

"Anyway, I've made some improvements to the defence." Jerry went back to the point. "All I'm asking is to agree the construction of the mother bomb."

"Nope!" Steve answered quickly.

"The mother bomb?" Alex and Shaun asked in confusion.

"The mother bomb is tnt that detonates other tnt that detonates even more tnt and so on until all the tnt blocks explode. This idea is that we place tnt underground, about 200 blocks or so in each direction. Then if the time comes we place one tnt block and detonate it." Steve explained.

"Ohhhh."Alex and Shaun both said in unison.

"But its so effective. "Jerry protested.

"Yeah it is. But if the thing accidentally explodes in the town, then everyone will be dead." Steve argued.

"Well we obviously won't place it in the town silly." Jerry explained.

"Fine, I'll tell you what, if you manage to build the biggest tnt canon the shoots at leat 100 blocks forward, then you can build that canon. But I won't allow the Mother Bomb."

"OK. Bye" Jerry said shortly before leaving.

They soon arrived at the mansion. They were only going to bring food, water, a bed, a boat, weapons, armour, 63 dirt blocks and last but not least, obsidian with flint and steel. They would be needing a better way of reaching this new place.

At that, off they went once again. It took 1km to go to the beach where the open waters lied ahead. The boat minecraft boat was placed down into the water.
Alex had never actually rowed a boat in minecraft before. It was certainly much easier to row, but it was no cake. Day turned to night that turned to dsy again. They did stop now and then to rest but it was tiredness that was the biggest trouble.

Occasionally, they did run into an island where they did build a marker to help them back if need be.

Finally, they arrived at the shore that had Docks on it.

"Not to far from here. You may be able to see it." Shaun said excitedly.

The Town that Shaun had made was based on a small village with no blacksmith. The walls were 2 blocks high and made of  sandstone.

"No one really comes to the desert. That's why I didn't really focus on defence." Shaun said knowing that they were going to ask about it.

The inside was a normal small village. However, there were a few small differences like an armoury right next to the church.

"Where is the other people? " Alex asked.

"What people?" Shaun said confusingly.

"You said more people came." Steve added.

" Yeah. About that... they're imaginary. Its lonely being here for a week." Shaun said a bit embarrassed.  

Diverting the subject, Shaun showed them around the place before adding that there is a temple near by that he was to afraid to raid himself.

Thinking that there is no harm, Alex and Steve headed to this temple to get it's treasurers within. 

However, inside was something unexpected; a blockey man with his back facing towards them with a light blue jumper and dark blue trousers was there. Terror swept through the groups faces as they realised what was happening. 

It was him... 

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