Chapter 23: Overpowering Force

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The Bell rang again. The sound echoing across the land. They got ready in the trenches with the crossbows and bows, the dispensers were loaded again.

The repeating sound of running across the floor. The rumble and the slight shaking in their eyes, a wall of the enemy emerged from the trees and water. The back row of the wall shot a hail of arrows which was immediately blocked by the shields that Steve and Alex carried. The automatic dispenser was activated.

Steve aimed his bow and fired of a flaming shot. It struck his target as it should, whom then yelled as he shot yet and other flaming arrow, the fire piercing the skin, he died, but 2 more took its place.

"Potions!" The squad leader yelled.

A row of people at the back took out slowness and poison potions and as far into the sun, threw them. The impact shattered the enemies front line. More fell onto the dirt below. But as if they had an endless amount of people, more and more came.

The dreadful sound of TNT now became a savoir as the cannons at the back fired. The explosions creating a cloud wall between them.

Steve looked to Alex, whom was shooting her arrows into the particles ahead of them. But more people came.

Mark wondered if there was an endless amount of people on their side.

Steve yelled to him, "The dispensers need refilling!"

Alex not even aiming at this point, spammed her bow. But to a futile end. The enemy overpowered them. Steve pulled out his sword that was heavily enchanted. One swing killed the attacker in front of him. But they had to retreat. And in their rout, Jess turned back and shot his crossbow before pulling out his sword.
Steve and Alex saw this and did the same. Mark, John and Peter followed what they were doing.

The six, as the enemies came to them, killed them cold blooded. But it was kill or be killed. And they were buying time for their allies to regroup which they did a few hundred blocks back with walls of shields.

Likewise, the 6 formed a tight semi-circle to help hold off the attackers who were much weaker than them. Jess' hand bleed in pain as he quickly cut through body after body. At the back of his mind, he knew he'd have serious PTSD. He couldn't feel it at the moment but the mental pain would hurt as much as the pain of getting shot by an arrow. But adrenaline was pumping so he didn't feel a thing.

But they were going to get overwhelmed, they started to retreat whilst still fighting. Time seemed to freeze, as each slash cut through skin and muscle, each swing of an axe and sword breaking bone. Testing there physical and metal durability. But now they started to route fully. They were being chased, legs going as fast as they could. Alex temporarily forgot this was Minecraft. A simple video game that she was trapped in.

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