Chapter 14: The Nether

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Some time has passed and the group are pretty good on food and materials. Now they just needed lava and water to help get into a different dimension.

Lucky, there was a lava patch nearby and water was everywhere. Using iron buckets, they managed to put lava down and then water on top making obsidian in a Nether portal shape. One strike and it was lit.

"You know how we did the Nether portal in a standard shape that looks like a zero" Steve said, "It's like we are positive numbers going through zero which is a portal into negative numbers."

"I never thought of that." Alex said back.

All of them hopped in and sweated at the other side. It was red tinted air, bright hot runny lava, and a softish floor, Netherrack. They could see where they had been ages ago, when none of this happened.

They were on a huge lege with Netherack and soul sand all around. Below was a Pacific ocean sized lava pool. The sweat evaporated as it rolled down their cheeks and face.

The red tint seemed to be everywhere blocking vision to a stack. It couldn't get away from everyone's eyes. It has been forever since Steve came to the Nether but he was able to adapt his eyes faster than usual.

"So what's our goal again?" Alex asked Steve.

"Well we can see where we had one of our bases over there," He pointed, "Let's go and find my Apocalyptic scenario chest."

"Your what?" Angle questioned.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys, in an event of cataclysmic preposition, I have an Apocalyptic scenario chest in the Nether and the over-world. The one in the over-world was destroyed so we have that one chest." Steve quickly replied,"Come one, no time for boring exposition, what are we in King of the monsters?"

With that they went. Once they had arrived, Steve went to where the old portal was and counted 8 blocks, stopped, went back, then counted 8 more blocks and went one block back again then dug straight down.

" What if you land in lava? "Alex worryingly asked.

" Good point. "Steve said back. And carried on," You know I remember it not being this DE-AHHHH! "

He fell right into lava that immediately started to melt the skin off his bones.

"Oh My God Steve. Guys do something!"

"Yo Steve catch this!" Bont yelled as he dropped a cauldron and a bucket of water.

He grabbed it with only 10 seconds left to live. Placing the cauldron underneath him, effectively removing the lava, then using the water bucket to be placed in the cauldron and going inside, cooled him off and saved his soul. Everyone relieved in sigh.

Steve's body went to normal aside the burn marks here and there and came out with a hug from Alex.

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