Chapter 22: The Front Line

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They woke up at dawn, a long trip awaited them. They were to go to the front line on the edge of the jungle swamp mess.

The enemy must of built a jungle on the swamp to make it extra tricky go through although it could be naturally generated Steve wondered about.

They made the trek to the boats to take them to proper land. They built trenches and put dispensers and cobwebs for protection. The people in the trench were well fed and properly armoured. Saving up for a big push.

Taking ground wasn't easy. Usually they sent people out to kill any enemy they find and to come back ignoring the phycological effects of such a thing.
The only way to 100% make sure that no enemy is there is to cut down the trees and bushes and to dig 5 blocks underground whilst not being attacked.

Steve and Alex jumped into the trenches that were 3 blocks deep. Equipped with full diamond armour and weapons that was enchanted. The armour was new and given to them so they'd have a fresh pair.

There weren't really any rations as alot of the food was grown at base and at the outpost and delivered when reinforcements arrived.

The armour was either fully enchanted iron or fully enchanted diamond armour. Steve and Alex got diamond as they fought against the man that trapped all of these people into this mess.

The leader of the squad got Steve and Alex and brought them the the rest.

"Alright, tomorrow we are going to be doing a search and destroy mission into the swampy jungle. Trying to clear out land so the demolition team can plant TNT and detonate the place. Well also be doing the same on a smaller scale as we are heading back. Now I have to go so you do you" The sqaud leader said before rushing back.

The sqaud was Steve, Alex, Jess, Mark, John and Peter.

Mark introduced everyone to Steve and Alex whom did the same.

"Does anyone have world war one and the vietnam War vibes from this?" Peter asked.

"What do you mean?" Alex questioned.

"Well think about it, we are in trenches, about to go into a jungle that is hard to navigate and we could be ambushed at any second."Peter answered.

"I get what your saying but, are we actually in war?" Steve added in.

"Yes we most certainly are."Mark said whilst eating bread.

"And to to think, this is Minecraft, a blocky game where if you die, you don't die in real life." Jess sarcastically added in, "I mean, think about the situation we are in right now, we are in a game, and in war where we could actually die."

"At least you have the option right?" Alex said back.

"Yep, we have the option to gaurd and carry out this war forever, or go in and grind the enemy down" Jess replied back.

"We only need to have a proper airforce." John finally spoke out. "Like this is minecraft so we are limited to the flying machines that can't turn, go slowly, and takes ages to reverse."

"If only we had elytras, then we could go deep into the place, on mass and just properly grind the enemy till we have an Outpost right in the middle of this mess that they'd attack and die as we'd get more and more reinforcements as the people in the front line push to meet us. Then we'd do the same thing else where and cirlce the enemy and clear out huge chunks at a time. Not any of this, go in go out bulls-"

The bell rang indicating that there was an attack. Suddenly out of the jungle was a swamp of the enemy travelling as fast as they could across the swamp landscape whilst being picked off by arrows.

Steve and Alex hesitated, sure killing mobs is fine, they are AI characters, but the enemy, they are people. Never have they killed someone before.

One of the enemy shot an arrow that hit one of the guys in the trench. That snapped the two into grabbing the bow and arrow and firing back at the under equipment opponent. The sound of TNT was heard as it flew overhead and blew up the attack. It was in water so no damage was don't but more deaths. The attack after 3 minutes ended with an expected victory for the defenders.

"What the hell was that?" Steve asked.

"That was help from TNT cannons. Inaccurate but on mass like that, very effective."Peter replied.

"We just killed th-" Alex was cut off

"Listen, this was the first time you ever ended someone. But know that if we hadn't, we'd die in this game. I don't know what they" Mark pointed to the piles of inventory scattered around. "Have with us, but they hat everything, they kill everything. They were probably phycopaths in the real world that saw this as an opportunity rule. You'd get used it."

"I don't think I will" Alex replied visibly shaken. "How do you get used to it?"

"You kill more I suppose?" Jess replied.

"Steve?" Alex asked.

"Don't know why you act like I'm used to this?"

"You killed that guy, remember on the clock tower?"

"The figure? He didn't come outside this world"

"You said he done his first crime at 13. That he was the best robber."Alex protested.

"I was talking about Minecraft years. I saw the figure when he was really small, 4 Minecraft years later the clock tower was built and 9 more he was 13 when he robbed."Steve cleared.

"What's a Minecraft year?" They all said in unison.

"24 real Earth hours." Steve casually replied.

"What the Hell are you doing?" The Squad leader said to them, "You know they attack a light attack first before a full charge."

"Sorry" Peter said back.

"What were you on about anyway?" The squad leader asked.

"The time were I killed the figure."Steve replied.

"The figure, you mean the really good thief?"


"Damm, he was the one that started this whole war."

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