Chapter 16: Night Of The Living Dead

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"Wow. A duplication glitch."Bont said to Steve.

"Yeah, I watched a vid before I unwillingly came in this world." Steve replied.

"Well we got all the diamonds we need." Alex tuned in.

"Guys we should probably get to bed, the sun is getting real low." Jerry told everyone.

Just as they went to bed, they couldn't sleep. Which meant one thing, monsters were nearby. All got up and climbed a ladder to the roof. Upon the horizon, we're hundreds, no thousands of zombies. The green bodies slowly crept their way towards them.

"That doesn't happen normally." Alex trembled as she spoke. "You think it's Entity 303?"

"Yeah. That would never happen." Steve answered. The pupils in his eyes widened to see clearly that the blocky mobs were coming.

Putting everyone in their place, Andrew exclaimed, "Who the hell watched Night Of The Living Dead? Remake or not."

"I did. We should probably set fire in front of us." Adam and Steve suggested.

They both went down and out of the house. They couldn't make Molotovs but could set fire around the place. Placing Nether rack was Adam. Steve would set it on fire. The rest would shoot from above with crossbows armed with fireworks once inside, Adam and Steve both went around to border up the windows and doors by placing some stone bricks.

The zombies finally pushed through dispite there best efforts onto the fire. The first and second batch burnt quickly and died. More came but just about died before reaching the place.

A drop of water fell on Brandon's head. Then an other. Them more drops came down. The fire was being put out and more managed to reach the house. They quickly broke the door and some bits of wood down getting stopped by the stone bricks. But and more piled on, cracks slowly started to amerge. More outside climbed on top of each other. The people on top had to come down and close the wooden trap door.

Andrew then broke it for an iron trab door. One brick broke. Steve went over with an axe and killed the zombie coming in. Replaced the stone brick with obsidian. They only had around 10 blocks of obsidian left. More started to come in but were quickly killed.

"Stop using obsidian!" Jerry shouted. "We need to go underground!"

Angel and Bont stayed at top killing the zombies as the rest dug down in a 3 by 3 by 3 area down. They all came down and covered it with the 8 obsidian they had. The one hole was covered up by an iron trap door.

"I swear to God if a child zombie kills me with a gardening tool... Well I don't know." Steve spoke out.

They all stayed there as more and more came in.

"You know what happened at the end of the original night of the living dead?" Jerry asked.

"They all died. Well there was this one character, Ben, he survived but when the guys in blue came, thought he was a zombie. He got shot." Adam replied.

"You know he manages to survive in the basement after he says not to go there." Steve said.

The walls broke and they split in. The iron trap door can only hold for so long.

"Well we better get somethings of our chest." Angel said. "I regret ever playing this game."

"Well, I should of asked my crush on a date."Brandon sighed.

"You guys were my best friends." Jerry spoke.

A creeper could be heard coming.

"Same."Andrew said.

"I still love this game."Bont stated.

"Well... Steve, I-" Alex was cut off.

"Hold it!"Jerry held the clock out," It's turning day. "

They sun came back up, the light sweeping through and burning all the undead. Not even the creeper destroying the trap door in an explosion mattered. They had survived the night.

Author's note: I have made a message on the conversation thing. If you haven't already please do go there. Thanks.

For those that don't speak the language called: dumb; I mean if you click on a person's profile, then you'll see conversations which is next to about, click on it and it's the top one.

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