[Ticci toby x Sad!Reader]

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This isn't serious at all.


⚠️The story is for all genders,enjoy!
This isn't a romantic oneshot, it's a friendship one, if you have any requests tell me⚠️

EDIT 2023: I wish i never wrote this

3rd person's pov
Y/n was a normal teen. They were usually friendly but a bit shy.
Today,though,they received a call they never wanted to.

(Loved one's name) made it clear that they didn't want anything to do with y/n. They changed number after that so the Boy/Girl couldn't contact them.

Y/n was shocked and speechless. Never they thought l/o/n would do something like this.
They ran in a abandoned cabin in the woods where they went when sad.They didn't care anymore at this point.

They sat on the cold floor unaware of the ticking-killer that was wandering around in the woods.

Y/n's pov
"After that call i felt my heart crashing. They were the only person I could trust and now they removed me from their life.
I sighed. Nothing really mattered to me anymore,if i died i wouldn't care.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps.
I shrugged it off as it could be any animal.
That idea quickly went away as the door was being opened.
It finally made a click sound signaling that someone entered.

It was a boy,he was a teen for sure,maybe 16 or 17 years old.
He had brownish hair and really pale skin,i couldn't tell what his eyes looked like cause of the orange googles on his eyes.He also had a dark blue mouthgard.
He had two hatchets in his hands.
One was older than the other one as it was kinda broken.

We stared at eachother for a while,i noticed he had some ticks.

"You know y/n i was searching for the person,a human,who was lurking in the slender woods.I guess you are the one who always comes here,in this abandoned cabin." he finally spoke.
I didn't reply. I just stared at the ground.Im not surprised he knew my name,he is a serial killer,i suppose,After all.

"how would you like to die?I'll make sure to do the exact opposite"

"Well fuck you too then" i replied.

He began to tick more meaning,i guess,he grew nervous.

"Listen here little human,do you even know who are you talking to?"
"Yeah a psychopath serial killer. Now end my life thank you."

"Your mind is fucked up" he said.
"Look who is talking."i replied rolling my eyes
"You are gettin' on my nerves."
"Cool.Kill me." i smirked,now looking at him.

He put his googles on his head,showing his hazel eyes.

"its not funny if you want to die" he said with an annoyed tone.

I stayed silent,not really knowing how to reply to his comment.

"What's your name?" i asked out of no-where

An idea popped up in my mind,a smirk appeared on my face.

"Well Toby..." i began.

I ran to him. He panicked not sure what to do.
And so the little game began.

How ironic.
A psychopath serial killer running from a teenager who just wanted to die.

Though i got bored of chasing him so i sat on the grass.
He soon noticed i wasn't following him anymore as he sat besides me.

"Im wondering,why wouldn't you want to kill me?I though killing is what you did"
"Yeah but it's not funny if you want to die" he frowned saying this making me laugh a little.
He sighed "truth is,i hate seeing people depressed.I was in that 'phase' and i want to help people like you."
"so depressed people are your soft spot?"
"Yeah,kinda.This world is cruel but they deserve a chance to live"
"Im confused.You are a serial killer who literally kills innocent people and you pity people who wants to fulfill your desires?"
I began laughing at the irony of this. He copied me into doing so too."

"Do you actually remember all of this Toby?" i said closing the photo album.

No reply.


I looked into his direction only to see him asleep on the floor.

I threw the book at him.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK?!" he whisper-yelled.

"its called a SLEEPover for a reason dumbass" he muttered
"Well now we will call it stay-awakeover. C'mon!"

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