Masks [Kagekao x Eyeless Jack]

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Requested by Kitty-caga.
Thanks for your request!
This contains a little angst and insecurities.
I'm particularly happy abt this one, dk abt you all
3rd person pov

“Kagekao!~” a loud voice boomed in the halls of the quietish mansion. There he was again.

Splendorman happily skipped off to the demon, occasionally jumping. He sighed not wanting to deal with him.

“What's up?” he asked trying not to be rude knowing he would upset the big baby in front of him.

He clapped his hands happily, “Why don't you show us your face?” His big, black smile evident on his face.

Kagekao shrugged, letting his hands rest inside his pockets. “I guess I'm not ready yet.”.

Splendorman slightly frowned before smiling again. Kagekao just looked at him behind his mask.

The tall creature bowed down his head and happily went on his way again.
'That was weird.'

He touched his mask with his fingers. He contemplated what the other said for a few seconds before shrugging the thought away.

He went to his room, locking the door. He immediately took his mask off, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

He didn't know why he was so insecure about his– everything. He didn't like himself one bit.

And he wasn't even sure as to why he didn't want to show the others. I mean, they were all weird looking, without saying names - Jeff - ,  but they accepted each other.

So why would it be different with him?

“Are you done?” a voice boomed in his ear. He instinctively elbowed whoever was behind him.

A grunt could be hear as he quickly tried to reach for his mask, only for it to be picked up by a grey hand.

He turned his head in the direction of his partner. “C'mon Jack, give it back!” he tried hiding his face in every way he could.

With his scarf, hands, whatever could be used.
“Are you done?” Eyeless Jack repeated, leaving a confused look on the demon's face.

He sighed, “Being insecure I mean.”. He looked away from him.

“Kage.” He didn't want to turn around. He already saw too much, he didn't want him to leave for someone else.

“I promise you, you're the most gorgeous being I've ever seen. There's nothing to be afraid of, love.”

His words almost made him turn, but he didn't dare to.
Jack didn't give up though.

“I understand if you want to cover up and i won't force you to do anything if you aren't ready...” He paused, giving him time to take in every word.

“...but i want you to know, that I too was in your same situation. It's completely okay to feel the way you do, you aren't weak or anything of sort.
I just want you to please stop thinking so negatively about yourself.”

He spoke sincerely, Kagekao finally beginning to trust his words.

“I want you to look at yourself in the mirror for a moment, and appreciate yourself.”

And he surprisingly did. He turned around and looked at his reflection, this time with more kindness.

He did as Jack suggested, it did work. He subconsciously hugged him, thanking him. Eyeless smiled, gently caressing his hair.

“I'm ready” He finally said, looking up at him.

Jack nodded and gently grabbed his hand, leading him to the other pastas.
Throughout the entire thing, they never let go of each other. Eyeless would occassionally squeeze his hand, bringing him comfort and calming him down.

Eventually Kagekao learnt to be more kind to himself, thanks also to the support of the others.

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