Mom [Nurse Ann x child!Reader]

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Gender neutral reader
Relationship: mom figure, platonic.
“Ann, Zero and X-virus; you are in charge tonight, i expect the best out of you. If you don't succeed or something happens you know the consequences.”
The faceless man explained calmly, its head turning to each of them.

“We won't disappoint you.” Zero said, trying to get out of the situation as soon as possible.

Ann stayed quiet, she didn't really like her boss, she knew it could kill her off anytime it wanted.
No one in that old mansion actually did like him, but they had to show him respect.

“And remember: nobody would like monsters like you. Nobody would accept you as I do.”

There it was, making the same speech as every other time. It was becoming an habit now.

Its deep voice echoed through the rather small room as it excused the three monsters.

It was right, nobody would accept them. No one liked them, they would just end up as experiments or dead. No way out of that.

The three shared a look before going out to finish their task for the night.

They decided on going separate ways, it was easier to finish the mission.

Just as Ann turned a corner to go her way, she heard something. Although she couldn't clearly make out what the noise was but she had to find the source.

Make Slenderman trust you. It's the only way out.

She walked towards where the sounds were coming from, she could hear faint crying.

Perhaps it was another one of those teenagers who had to go in the forest to prove their courage. Perhaps, not.

She was now getting cautiously closer then, she saw what was going on.

“Mommy? mommy I'm scared! where are you?” She heard crying, it sounded like a child.

Memories from her past life flooded her mind. How she usually entertained the kids who were waiting for their parents to finish their visits.

Hos she comforted them during hard times.

She shook her head, snapping out of her thoughts.

Make Slenderman proud, Ann.

She got closer and closer, hiding behind the sea of trees, looking in the direction of the child’s cries.

“Daddy please, i don't wanna play hide and seek anymore!”

“Mommy come back..”

She heard sobs, her eyebrows furrowed feeling sorry for the child.
Understanding what really happened, she went up to them.

The child turned their head, hearing footsteps behind them.

“Please, help me find my parents!” they sobbed, letting more tears fall out of their eyes.

Ann simply kneeled down, staring at them.
She was quite surprised to see that they weren't scared.

She hadn't talked in who knows how long but she managed to get a few words out of her mouth.

“Come, it's... alright now” Her voice cracked, she whispered trying not to catch unwanted attention.

The child sniffled “Where are my parents?!”

Ann didn't say anything, internally debating on what she should say to them.

“how...did you” She had a sympathetic look displayed on her face. Worry filled eyes as she was frowning under her mask.

“Mommy and Daddy said that we were playing hide and seek b-but...” they sobbed, Ann still stayed quiet understanding that their situation might be difficult to explain.

They rubbed their eyes, preventing more tears from falling down.

“...but they hadn't come back and, i think it's been a few hours. It- it was still day when i got here.”

Ann sighed “What's...your name?”


“Well, dear, you see...I think mommy- and daddy went...on a really long trip. They...wanted to take you too...but they couldn't. They told me- to take care of you will- see them some day...”

She tried to explain in the softest way she could that y/n's parents died by the hands of a monster.

Ann didn't quite understand why Slenderman would let the child live, considering its usual victims, perhaps it had a plan in mind.

“Where did they go?” y/n asked softly, looking up at the woman before them.

“They haven't- told me.”

They nodded sadly, understanding. They took in the woman's features.

“Nice lady, why do you have bruises and scars?”

Ann looked down at her legs, knowing they were talking about it.

“That's a..story for another- day, hun.”

She stood up before offering a hand to the lost child.
Y/n took it without hesitation and Ann smiled under her mask.

Nobody would accept a monster like me, uh?

They had a chat with each other, Ann picked y/n up cuddling them and treating them like it was her child.

She looked at the sky which was already clearing. How long did they chat for?

“Come on...we gotta get you- cleaned up.”
The kid smiled as they walked with their new found friend.

They proceeded to go to the big mansion, which was even bigger to the child's eyes.

Y/n looked at the house in amazement, a "woah" escaping their lips, which made Ann chuckle.

Before they entered, Ann met up with her best companions. She had explained everything to them and they accepted to help her with the kid.

They all planned to also ask Slenderman if they could live elsewhere, still in the forest but out of the mansion full of killers.

As they walked in, Slenderman was the first to greet them.

“I see you found who I had planned for you.”


Meh, I'm not convinced about this oneshot but oh well!

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