Perfect [Hoodie x Chubby! Reader]

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Requested by PickledAmi, thank you for the request and hope you enjoy!
Gender: Gender neutral
Relationship: romantic
Type: Fluff
Narrator: 2nd person

I am not good at comforting people so i deeply apologize if anything made you uncomfortable or something. That really isn't my best characteristic.

Anyway! onto the story!

You were getting ready to go to the beach with Hoodie. You had prepared everything and was doing a quick check list. Whatever you might have needed was there. It was time to change.

As you went to put your swimsuit on, self consciousness kicked over. What if he will think badly of me?
You tried to brush off these thoughts and focused on enjoying yourself.

You soon heard a clackson honk and that was the only thing you needed to know he was there.

You grabbed the bags you previously prepared and exited the house, entering the car.

“You ready to go?” He looked over at you smiling. He for once didn't have his hood and mask on and you were grateful for that. He was quite the sight.

The ride wasn't too long, only of 10-15 minutes and you already were enjoying these moments.

You chatted and laughed until you had finally arrived to the destination.

You set up everything and looked around. Everyone seemed to be having a good time there.
There was a group of people around your age. Their bodies were meant for society standards. They were very attractive.

'Why did I even think coming here was a good idea? I won't ever look like them and he will just leave me for one of them'

Now, you couldn't stop having these thoughts. You didn't want to ruin his day too but you just couldn't help it.

You were on the verge of tears so you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Once in the stall, you tried your best to hold your tears.

“Y/n, dear, are you okay?” you heard his voice ask from outside, his tone filled with true worry and care.

That was enough to send you to your edge. Tears spilled from your eyes, leaving a tray on your cheeks.

You sobbed quietly but loud enough for him to hear.
“Darling, can I come in?” his sweet voice rang in your ears.

“Yes.” you whimpered out. Despite not wanting him to see you like that, like a pathetic mess, as you thought, you let him in.

He closed the door behind him and looked at you. His honey eyes widened at the sight. He absolutely hated seeing you sad in any way, worse when he saw you cry.

He embraced you tightly without saying a word. He hugged you in silence until he spoke up.

“What's the matter sweetheart?” He questioned still holding you.

You debated on whether to tell him or not but decided it would be best to vent, at least this time.
You couldn't keep your emotions bottled up and he knew you knew.

“I just feel like I'm not pretty enough for you. I mean, my body, it's not good looking. I don't fit into society beauty standards and...and I hate the way my body looks. I wished to have that dream body, I'm not good enough for you.”
You cried out and paused here and there as you poured out your feelings to him.

He just stood there dumbfounded by everything you had said.
'Is he going to leave me now?'

Tears pickled in the corner of his eyes. “Look at me and listen very clearly to what I'm about to say.”

You did and nodded.

“Whatever you are thinking of is absolutely false, your body is perfect to me. I don't care whether it's the society standard shit or not. You are all i could ever ask for love.”

He paused and breathed for a moment before continuing.

“I actually find it cute. Everything about you is adorable and perfect, it makes me go insane knowing you don't value yourself. I won't ever leave you for anyone else. I love you.
These words may not be able to let you change how you feel about yourself but i hope it helps you understand how gorgeous you are.”

“But I'm not ski-”

He brought a finger up to your lips, shutting you up.

“I like you how you are. No matter your body size.” He reassured you, looking at you lovingly.

You smiled slightly as he wiped the tears off with his thumbs.

“Okay, let's go now! We can go build something with the sand and play off in the water! How does that sound?”

He asked like a little kid, that made you chuckle and you nodded.

The two of you had your fun, not caring about other people judgement.

He was right, your body was indeed perfect as it was. No matter your height, weight or whatever. You were truly a gorgeous sight.

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