The Cabins

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Everyone recoiled after hearing those words.

Margaret just smiled her sickly smile, "Moving on..."

You watched as Nurse Rita rushed back into the infirmary.

You hadn't been introduced to that room yet but you didn't exactly want to be.

You were sort of regretting bringing that man with you to the camp, he was really dampening the mood.

Obviously, the others were unaffected by it but you knew something was up, something about the man was wrong.

Very wrong.

Your eyes flick away from the nurse and towards Margaret who was gliding across the campus and towards the cabins.

Dusk was slowly creeping on Camp Redwood, the full moon was just visible on the horizon.

"This smaller one is my cabin, the other two are labelled with boys and girls." She glared at all of you as she said that.

"Yeah, yeah," Xavier sighs, "We know."

Montana rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, I expect you to settle in." Margaret instructs, "Be up nice and early tomorrow."

Margaret nodded aggressively as if to say 'Do it or face my wrath mother fuckers' before retreating to the comforts of her private cabin.

It wasn't exactly fair that she had her own and you lot had to share with the kids.

With that, Chet glanced at his watch.

"Quick!" He whispered, "The Olympics are on in five minutes."

As soon as Margaret shut the door of her cabin, Xavier and Ray sprinted back to the van, probably getting the drugs and beer.

"It's just the opening ceremony," You say, "Why do you care so much? Aren't you just going to be depressed that you aren't there?"

"Yeah." Brooke adds.

"Come on! Let's settle into the cabins!" Montana tugs on your arm and pulls you behind her as she walks towards the cabins.

You look back at Brooke and shrug, she quickly followed behind you, so did Chet.

You allowed Montana to push open the wooden door on its rusty hinges.

It swung open to reveal a disappointing hostel-like room.

When Brooke see your disheartened face she adds,"It's a start!"

She didn't really think that, she was just trying to lighten the mood.

That was when you heard footsteps.

It was just Xavier and Ray.

They were carrying a mini television.

It was actually a normal sized one for the 80s but absolutely tiny compared to modern day.

"What the fuck?" You ask, spinning round to see their enthusiastic faces filled with childlike naivety.

"You brought a TV?" Brooke exclaims, her shock made Montana laugh.

"Yeah, Chet was being super annoying about it." She says, catching a beer can that Ray had thrown at her.

"Oh you guys know there is more beer in the fridge in the kitchen." You add.

Xavier scoffed, "Yeah, like Maggy here is gonna drink beer!"

Brooke hid her smirk.

"No, I'm serious!" You say, "I'll prove it and sneak into the kitchen right now."

"Dare ya!" Montana says, downing her beer.

"If they are there, I wonder who they belong to." Brooke contributes to the conversation.

That was when you heard more footsteps behind you.

Everyone was waiting outside and definitely didn't have time to get inside the cabin, hide the beer, hide the tv and make up and excuse so you just hoped that the person behind you wasn't Margaret.

"The beers are mine, don't drink all of them!"

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