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That night you all ate together.

Myrtle had cooked up a feast but only half of it was actually tasty, some of it was just odd.

When Maddison made a comment about this Myrtle explained it was "An acquired taste, darling."

But even Cordelia was discreetly spitting out food into a napkin.

You grin, watching everyone chat like it was normal again.

You miss Mallory and can feel your eyes filling with water but you ignore it, blinking it away as you continue eating.

The weird thing was, you kept feeling Myrtle and Cordelia stare at you as if judging you every so often.

As if Myrtle stalking you and Brooke as a bird was not enough.

Maybe Myrtle needed to figure something out about the procedure of creating Mallory.

You began to feel weary of the time as the clock ticked on past 10.

Nausea aroused inside of your stomach.

You weren't sure if it was the food or your nerves about creating a Mallory based of your thoughts.

"I think we should start making the potion," Myrtle says, fishing her watch from her pocket.

"Oh the one to get Mallory back?" Coco says, "Can I help?"

"Well, it's going to be tricky," Myrtle says, "I think it should be just Y/n and Cordelia and I for we don't want to mess this up."

"We appreciate your thoughts though." Cordelia says, wiping her mouth and getting up from the table.

The two older witches make their way into the room that you and Cordelia chatted in earlier.

You follow them as they shut the door behind you and watch as they lift one of the floor boards up to reveal an old cellar.

"This cabin has always been property of the witches, former supremes have used it for weekends away or even whole covens used it as a hideaway." Myrtle explains as you descend down a rickety ladder.

"Bridget Stanford, one of the strongest witches ever, put a protection spell over the hut and the wood that surrounds it in 1836. It's still as tough as ever today." Myrtle continues.

You allow Myrtle's droning voice fade into the background as you admire the cellar.

Considering how old it was, it was more alive than you thought possible.

Bright potions lined on the shelf bubble as they emit strange gasses.

Your eyes wonder to a luminous green one, then a sunset orange, then one that was coloured in a colour you didn't recognise.

A broomstick rested neatly on the shelf, it hovered as if bewitched.

"I can see where the stories come from now," You say, smiling.

"Yes, it is truly a great view," Cordelia says as posh as always.

You watched as Myrtle frantically opened cupboards looking for ingredients and slamming them down on the counter.

"Alright Y/n, I think we're ready."

"Ready for the Mallory Potion?" You question.

"Well, yes it's actually called memoria hominum but you can call it that if you want."

"Mallory Potion it is then." You confirm.

Lmao 505 words in this chapter:
I crumble completely when you cryyy

(Please tell me someone got that lol)

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