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     A few hours later, it was dissmissal. I swung my backpack on my shoulder and held some books with my arm. I wasn't with Eren nor Armin, because after lunch we all have different classes.

I was walking through the halls, when I heard someone yell."Hey! Brat!"  I quickly turned around to see who was yelling, "excuse me?" I asked.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He said angrily, he was holding the broom tight. "I am walking obviously" I rolled my eyes.

A girl quickly ran in the middle of us, a red haired girl. Followed by a tall blonde boy. "S-sorry for my friend's behaviour" She bowed, I was shocked "ah! What are you doing? Please don't bow." I said. She smiled at me, "my name is Isabelle, this is Farlan" she pointed at the blonde boy. "And this is Levi" she pointed to the boy with broom,who was crossing his arms, with an angry expression.

Isabelle went closed to my ear and whispered, "Levi is uh.. um a clean freak. So um I suggest you not to pass here at this hour." She rubbed the back of her neck, and smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, Um.. sure, sorry" I said, and started to walk to the other direction, but I stopped when Someone called my name, I turned around, "Mikasa!" Eren yelled, he was with Armin at the other side. They started to run to me, "No! Wait! Don't pa-" I was cut off when Eren fell down. Levi tripped him and started to beat him up. Isabelle and Farlan grabbed Levi off Eren and Armin grabbed Eren.

I ran to Eren, and I held him "What was that for?!" Eren yelled. "Do not F*cking pass here, during this hour brat!" Levi snapped.

The students went closer to us when they heard yelling,But not too close.  "Then why did you beat me up?" Eren scratching his arm. "Tsk, shut up." Levi rolled his eyes and saw the other students watching. He gave them a death glare which made them leave.

"You Blonde boy help us cleaning you and your friends' mess. Raven Girl take your boyfriend, I don't know to the infirmary or something." Levi Rolled his eyes and walked out.

Isabelle and Farlan kept apologizing to us. "We are so sorry, he has always been like this!". I nodded and I swung Eren's arm to my shoulder to help him stand up, he isn't that heavy so I have no problem carrying him. We left Armin, because Levi said so. I don't want him to get hurt too.

The infirmary door opened, and revealed a nurse.
"Oh my, my, What happened?" The nurse grabbed Eren and placed him on the bed.

"A clean weirdo freak, randomly attacked him." I responded. The nurse scratched her head, that makes it look like she knows who I was Referring too.

"Sorry, freshmen about his behaviour. Levi doesn't really randomly attack, unless you made a mess, even the lightest speck of dust." She said while rubbing Eren with a towel.

"It was my fault, anyway" Eren said. "No, its not" I sighed before I continue "you didn't even know, about his Madness"

The nurse stood up and gestured us that it was done, Me and Eren stood up, and thanked the nurse and left.

We went out the room, "Are you okay? The midget didn't hurt you that much, didn't he?" I said in a panicked worried voice.

"Midget? Who are you talking about? Levi?" He said in a confused tone. I clenched my fist, "if he dares to try and touch you again or Armin I would-" I was cut off by a girl with glasses.  "Ay! Another one! Sorry freshmen, about Levi" she paused. "I am Hangé Zoe" she said in a manly happy tone.

"The both of you should go now, the bus is about to leave." She said, we thanked her and run off but this time we went to another direction.

Armin was waving at us, we went in and sat. I took an empty seat and Eren sat next to me. Armin sat next to a blonde girl with a ponytail. In-front of us were Connie and Sasha and behind us was Jean and Marco.

The bus' engine started and moved. "Eh? Eren what happened to you" Sasha asked while she was eating Tofu. Man this girl doesn't get full.

"Got beaten up" Eren shrugged. "At your First day? Wow Man you are tough" Connie chuckled, "it looks like he lose though" Jean responded. I turned around to give him a death glare but he was blushing Madly. I rolled my eyes from this awkwardness.

"Man, Jean you okay? You look so red." Marco asked worriedly. Jean nodded and slowly sat.

A few minutes later the bus stopped at the bus stop in our neighborhood. Armin waved goodbye to the girl he sat next with, while me and Eren were already outside.

Jean opened the window and yelled, "M-Mikasa! You really have a nice long hair!", I thanked him.

Armin and Eren looked at me confused and I shrugged, Not knowing where that came from.

Armin waved his hand for goodbye because his house is located at the other direction. Me and Eren were walking through the street.

"You know.. I think you should cut your hair, I think shorter hair looks better on you." Eren said, as he strand my hair. I was stunned. "Y-yeh.. I think I should Cut it."

The wind blew hardly. It was cold. My body shook, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around me, and exhaled, next thing I know, Eren was wrapping his scarf around me. I was shocked.

"You seemed cold" he smiled. "T-thank you" I blushed and used the scarf to cover my face. Eren giggled.

"I-I would give this back to you tomorrow, I'll wash it as soon as I get home!" I said.

"No.. Its alright you could have it.. Think of it as a gift." He smiled. "Thank you..."

A/N: I'm bored, Here's an Update!
Chapter 3's ending part is really cute! So What do you think about Levi? Hmm I love the midget HEHEHE, Anyways Let me know what you think about this chapter! Next chapter could be posted next week, or something. I still have to do my school stuff so I won't be updating anytime soon. That's it for today!

Maybe in Another Life; An Eremika Modern AU FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now